
projet_collectif_extension_navigateur-greenteammouse created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Green Team Mouse (une souris verte...) : Third group project at Ada Tech School! In eight days only with three developers.

Green Team Mouse : Marine, Cyril, Virginie

The idea : In eight days, our trio has co-developed a Google Chrome Extension to moderate injurial words in the social networks and forum before sending in order to educate people with benevolent sentences to protect children and vulnerable persons via an API call.

Languages : HTML5, manifest.json, JavaScript
Tools : Notion, Slack, Git/GitHub, Visual Studio Code
Source API : https://sightengine.com/docs/
Organization : Daily review of the steps to achieve, debugging, mob programming, clean code and agility

We are very proud of our progress after only three months at Ada Tech School!