
Primary LanguageJavaScript


chrome-helm is a incremental completion and selection narrowing framework for google chrome browser. It allows you quickly search through opened browser tabs, bookmarks, history, web and more.

chrome-helm is inspired by emacs plugin helm https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm.

Helm API


A helm candidate is an object representing the item to find. The following attributes will be used to render the UI:

  • title: String (required)
  • thumb: String (optional): An icon url.
  • details: String (optional)

A candidate must also present:

  • source: String (required): The name of source (consistent with Source::getName()) that generates this candidate.

Other than above attributes, a candidate can cantain other optional data fields in order to interact with Action. Following is an example candidate (a bookmark item):

  "title": "GitHub",
  "thumb": "https://github.global.ssl.fastly.net/favicon.ico",
  "details": "https://github.com/",
  "source": "bookmarks",
  "created_time": 1468085042


A helm source is an object provides a list of candidate under query. All helm sources is placed under app/helm/sources folder. A helm source might implement following methods:

constructor(options: Object) => void (optional)

static key: String (required)

Unique. It will be used as key in a dictionary.

bootstrap(callback: () => void) (optional)

An optiaasync bootstrap function. Invoke callback when done.

search(query: String, options: Object, callback: Function) => void (required)

callback has a signature of (candidates: [Candidate]) => void. Possible fields in options are:

  • limit: Int: return no more that limit items.

static displayedName: String (optional)

It will be used in UI, use key if it is not specified.

destroy() => void (optional)

This method is call when source is deactivated.


A helm action can be applied on a list of candidates. All helm actions is placed under app/helm/actions folder.

name: String (required)

Unique. It will be used as key in a dictionary.

title: String (optional)

Used in UI.

details: String (optional)

Used in UI.

run(candidates: [Candidate], context: Object, callback: Function) (required)

context is an empty object for now. Might be used to pass extra info in the future. callback has a signature of error: String? => void. If success, callback is invoked with error = null, otherwise callback is invoked with a error message string.

canRun(candidates: [Candidate]) => Bool (optional)

Examine the candidate list, descide whether this action can be ran. If it returns false, the action won't be presented in the action selection UI.


In a helm session user first incrementally select candidate(s) to act on, then select the action to run. All predefined helm sessions is under app/helm/sessions.

  • name: String (required): The unique name of the session.
  • displayedName: String (optional): The display name of the session, will be used in UI. If not specified, name will be used.
  • sources: [String] (required): A list of source names. Search result will presented in the order of source in the this list.
  • actions: [String] (required): A list of available action names. Action choices will presented in the order of source in the this list. Default action is the first action in the list.


  "name": "findWebPage",
  "displayedName": "Find web page",
  "sources": [
  "actions": [