I found this awesome icon pack on deviantart a few years ago. Now with permission from author i want to complete this pack and host it on github.
You can use it:
- in your projects (see License for more info)
- on your desktop (for example with RocketDock)
See DIY folder for sources
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
See here for more info
- Ruth P
- Tom M
- Sanjovin S
- Justin W
- Joshua B
- Salvatore C
- Davvyd P
- Andrew R
- Wouter van N
- Tony Z
- Scott C
- Enrico F
- Jordan G
- Jonas L
- Mark A
- Steven
- littleguga
and all the users who've contributed their own icons to the set!
I'd like to thank all the friendly people from around the world who have found the kindness to comment, share, and favourite this icon set. Some have even made their own icons or commissioned custom ones from myself, in efforts to expand the variety and quality of the set. And I would personally like to thank those individuals who made it happen.
So thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you; all of you~