##Requirements You must be using Timber for WordPress.

##Installation run npm install --save wp-timber-cli inside your root WordPress theme directory.

##Usage Timber CLI will create a WordPress PHP template and corresponding twig template and automatically create some default Timber stuff.

###Create Templates From the command line, run wp-timber -c <type> <name> where type is the type of template (page, single, archive) and name is, you guessed it, the name of the template.

Example Output

wp-timber -c page about-us

Creates page-about-us.php in your theme's root directory, and /views/pages/page-about-us.twig. If you don't have a views directory it will be created for you.

Inside the created .php file is a very basic Timber template that renders the corresponding twig template that was also created.



$context = Timber::get_context();
$post = new TimberPost();
$context["post"] = $post;
Timber::render("/views/pages/page-test.twig", $context);


###Create Query You can create a basic WordPress query for an existing page template, or when create a new template using this CLI.

Existing Template

wp-timber -q page-about.php custom-post-type

When Create a New Template

wp-timber -c page about -q custom-post-type



 $custom_post_types_args = array(
  "post_type"     => "custom-post-type"

$context = Timber::get_context();
$post = new TimberPost();
$context["post"] = $post;
$context["custom_post_types"] = Timber::get_posts($custom_post_types_args);
Timber::render("/views/pages/page-about.twig", $context);


###Remove Templates

wp-timber -r page about-us

This will find a .php template called page-about-us.php in the root theme directory and delete it, as well as the corresponding twig template in /views/pages/.

###Build from a Config file With Timber CLI you can generate a series of templates with queries from a configuration file. Create a .timber file that contains JSON to generate as many templates with queries as you want.

Here's an example config file:

  "page": {
    "blog": {
        "news": {
          "post_per_page": 10,
          "orderby": "title"
        "custom-posts": {
          "post_per_page": 20,
          "orderby": "date"
    "about-us": {}
  "archive": {
    "events": {},
  "single": {
    "event": {}

Running wp-timber build will generate the following PHP/twig templates:

  • page-blog.php with two queries: one for 'news' post type and one for 'custom-posts' and views/pages/page-blog.twig file
  • page-about-us.php and views/pages/page-about-us.twig
  • archive-events.php and views/archives/archive-events.twig
  • single-event.php and views/singles/single-event.twig