JMeter sample

A sample of performance test with JMeter.

Script details

Thread Group

Thread groups manages how many virtual users will request, along with the ramp-up time.

Http Request

The domain that will be tested is http://localhost:8080 (can be changed in Variables for local environment), and the URI is /actuator/health (can be changed in Actuator Health > HTTP Request).


curl --request GET --url http://localhost:8080/actuator/health


There are two assertions that are executed when the test is executed. They verify the response code and the Json content.

If the assertion is failed, an error is displayed in View Result Tree.

Response code

The Actuator Health > Response Assertion - Response Code verifies if the HTTP Response code is 200.

Json content

The Actuator Health > JSON Assertion - Status verifies if the response file is a Json and if the attribute status has value equal to UP.