
Automatic log request and response from RestSharp using Serilog

Primary LanguageC#

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Do you need log all communication made with RestSharp using your serilog configuration? Just install this package and register our client proxy for IRestClient.

IRestClient client = new RestClientAutolog("http://www.github.com");

Install via NuGet

PM> Install-Package RestSharp.Serilog.Auto

How to use

You can change error message, success message and logger configuration.

var loggerConfiguration = new LoggerConfiguration()
                .Enrich.WithProperty("Domain", "MyDomain")
                .Enrich.WithProperty("Application", "MyProject")

var restClientAutologConfiguration = new RestClientAutologConfiguration()
    MessageTemplateForSuccess = "{Method} {Uri} responded {StatusCode}", 
    MessageTemplateForError = "{Method} {Uri} is not good! {ErrorMessage}", 
    LoggerConfiguration = loggerConfiguration

IRestClient client = new RestClientAutolog("http://www.github.com", restClientAutologConfiguration);

Serilog uses Log.Logger as global. If you setup this on your application Startup/Bootstrap, it's not needed change logger configuration.

Variables to use in message templates

Properties created like (...).Enrich.WithProperty("Application", "MyProject") can be used in templates.

Default variables:

  • Agent
  • ElapsedMilliseconds
  • Method
  • Url
  • Host
  • Path
  • Query
  • RequestBody
  • RequestHeaders
  • StatusCode
  • StatusDescription
  • ResponseStatus
  • ProtocolVersion
  • IsSuccessful
  • ErrorMessage
  • ErrorException
  • Content
  • ContentEncoding
  • ContentLength
  • ContentType
  • ResponseHeaders

Setup global max length for exception properties

Use env var to change default value


How can I contribute?

Please, refer to CONTRIBUTING

Found something strange or need a new feature?

Open a new Issue following our issue template ISSUE_TEMPLATE


See in nuget version history

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