Get a Microsoft inspired Ribbon menu for your React app. It uses Bootstrap 4 components.
Find React Bootstrap Ribbon on NPM.
Add it with NPM:
npm i -S react-bootstrap-ribbon
After that you can import the components:
import {Ribbon, RibbonGroup, RibbonGroupItem, RibbonButton} from "react-bootstrap-ribbon";
Make sure you also embed the CSS:
import "react-bootstrap-ribbon/dist/react-bootstrap-ribbon.css";
Your code could look like this:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { Ribbon, RibbonGroup, RibbonGroupItem, RibbonButton } from "react-bootstrap-ribbon";
// In this example Bootsrap is installed via NPM. Here it gets imported from the "./node_modules" folder:
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css";
import "react-bootstrap-ribbon/dist/react-bootstrap-ribbon.css";
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="container">
`breakpoint` prop is optional and defines when to switch between mobile and desktop view.
Possible values: "sm", "md", "lg", "xl", default: "md"
`height` is also optional. Default is "8rem".
<Ribbon breakpoint="lg" height="8rem">
<RibbonGroup title="Clipboard" colClass="col-3">
<RibbonGroupItem colClass="col-4" onClick={() => alert("Hello from Ribbon button!")}>
{/* more Ribbon group items */}
{/* more Ribbon groups */}
export default App;
npm i
.Then run
npm start
and you should see the example in your browser. You can see the code under ./docs/src/index.js