VUTTR (Very Useful Tools to Remember) API

This repository, contains the project of an API to help the user to store Tools to usage.


To use this API, the main requirement is that the user have NodeJS installed.

After install NodeJS, we need to install yarn to use in this project. For this, run:

npm install -g yarn

Cloning the project

To clone the project, choose a directory and run the command

git clone

After clone, go to the project directory vuttr-api and follow the next steps


To run this project, have two ways, using docker or run with yarn directly.

If you don't have docker, first intall and continue.

To run with docker, on terminal, run the command

docker-compose up

If want run directly, first install the node packages that will use by the project using the command


Then, run the command

yarn start

When the project was running, access the API documentation using

