
Primary LanguageJavaScript

gRPC + Managing Graph Example


Implemented Graph is undirected without weights.

Implemented Graph represents an adjacency list.


npm install


  1. Transform protobuff to JS and TS definition files
npm run proto: generate
  1. Run server
npm run server
  1. Run client
npm run client <action> <param1>


  • add:node - Adds node to the graph

Example: npm run add:node A

  • remove:node - Remove node from thee graph (note: not implemented yet)

  • add:edge - Adds edge to the graph

Example: npm run add:node A_B

  • remove:edge - Remove edge from thee graph

Example: npm run remove:node A_B

Working scenario

  1. Start server
$ npm run server

Presetted Nodes:
A ->
B ->
C ->

gRPC Server listening on 50051
  1. In different terminals start several clients
# terminal 1
$ npm run client add:node B

Server Response:
A ->
B ->
C ->
H ->

# terminal 2
$ npm run client add:edge A:B

Server Response:
A -> B,
B -> A,
C ->
H ->

#terminal (arrived broadcast message)
Broadcasting: Updated Graph:
A -> B,
B -> A,
C ->
H ->


npm test

or in watch mode

npm run test:watch


  • Every client should provide prompt to actions and params (cli)
  • Remove disconnected clients from stored clients list
  • Get rid of callbacks in GraphDispatcherHandler (client: grpc-promise package)