
This is the code repo for SurvClusVis, a survival data visualization using tSNE. The work was done as a final project for CPSC 547 @ UBC.

To use this shiny app out of the box, make sure you have the following packages installed: shiny, shinySignals, dplyr, shinydashboard, bubbles, stargazer, Rtsne, plotly, survival, survminer, GGally, MASS, parcoords, cluster, shinyjs, pairsD3

This can be accomplished using the following command:

Install.packages(c("package 1", "package 2"))

Video of SurvClusVis in action can be seen at

A live version of SurvClusVis is hosted at shinyapps,

This project can be directly run using runGitHub command: runGitHub("lgondara/SurvClusVis", "lgondara")