This package provides a set of express routers that handle authentication and user management.
If you simply need to run an HTTP authentication server that provides user
management, you can use the command saint-peter
node ./node_modules/.bin/saint-peter -p <port> -i <ip> --db sqlite://auth.sqlite
or add to the scripts
section of your package.json
something like:
"scripts": {
"start-auth-server": "saint-peter -p <port> -i <ip> --db sqlite://<sqlite file to be created>"
You can use any db supported by sequelize (e.g. mysql://user:password@host:port/db
The section defaultRouters
below describes all the HTTP resources provided by
this server.
The binary accepts the following command line options:
--address, -a address the server will listen on [default: ""]
--port, -p port the server will listen on [default: 3000]
--db database URL [default: "sqlite://auth.sqlite"]
--secret secret used to generate the JSON Web Token
--issuer, --iss token issuer (iss field of the jwt) [default: ""]
--root-path, -r root path; the API will be available as subpaths of this
[default: "/"]
--token-lifetime token lifetime in seconds [default: 3600]
--token-idle-timeout how long (in seconds) after a token has expired can it
be renewed without having to authenticate again
[default: 86400]
--default-username user created if no user is found [default: "admin"]
--default-password password assigned to the default user [default: "admin"]
--default-group group created if no group is found [default: "admin"]
In order to use this package as a library, instead, you need to require
, which exports a class, and instantiate a an object of that type:
var express = require('express');
var SaintPeter = require('saint-peter');
var config = {
jwtSecret: 'secret',
dbType: 'sqlite',
storage: './authdb.sqlite'
var saintPeter = new SaintPeter(config);
var app = express();
app.use('/', saintPeter.defaultRouters(['admin']));
saintPeter.initializeDB().then(() => {
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Auth server listening on port 3000'))
}).catch((e) => console.log(e.stack));
The constructor takes two arguments:
- config: object containing the following items:
- jwtSecret: secret used for jwt encryption
- dbType: string, one of
(defaults tosqlite
); if no dbType is given (or if dbType is set tonull
) saint-peter can only be used to authorize requests (by using theallowUsers
methos) - storage: sqlite db file (only used if dbType is sqlite)
- host: auth db hostname
- port: auth db port
- database: auth db name
- username: auth db username
- password: auth db password
- defaultUsername: string, if no user is found in the database, one is created using this username (default to
) - defaultGroup: string, if no user is found in the database, one is created belonging to this groups (default to
) - defaultPassword: string, if no user is found in the database, one is created with this password (defaults to
) - tokenLifetime: integer, number of seconds before a generated token expires
- tokenIdleTimeout: integer, number of seconds a token can be renewed after it's's expired
- userListVisibility: one of
; who can access (GET) the user list - groupListVisibility: one of
; who can access (GET) the group list - issuer:
field to be written in the tokens
- logger: a logger that should provide at least two methods:
Initialize the DB.
Returns a promise.
This method needs to be called in order for authentication (or anything else
that requires the db) to work. If saint-peter was not provided a dbType
, you
don't need to call this method.
Returns an express middleware that allows access only to given users
- users: array of user names
- jwtSecret: secret used to decode the JSON Web Token
Returns an express middleware that allows access only to users belonging to given groups
- groups: array of group names
- jwtSecret: secret used to decode the JSON Web Token
Returns an express middleware that allows access only to authenticated users
- jwtSecret: secret used to decode the JSON Web Token
Returns a router that handles the following requests at these relative paths:
POST (Content-type: applicatin/json
)Request body:
{ "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>" }
Response body:
{ "success": true, "token": "token", "username": "username", "groups": "<user groups>", "email": "<user email>", "firstName": "<first name>", "lastName": "<last name>", "id": "<id>", "tokenExpirationDate": "<token expiration date (UNIX time)>" }
, GETRequest headers:
Authorization: bearer <token>
Response body:
{ "success": true, "token": "token", "username": "username", "groups": "<user groups>", "email": "<user email>", "firstName": "<first name>", "lastName": "<last name>", "id": "<id>", "tokenExpirationDate": "<token expiration date (UNIX time)>" }
POST (Content-type: applicatin/json
)Only users belonging to an admin group can POST
Request body:
{ "username": "<username>", "password": "<password>" }
Response body:
{ "success": <true | flase>, }
GETOnly users belonging to an admin group can GET
Response body (array of users):
[ { "id": "<id>", "username": "<username>", "email": "<email>", "firstName": "<first name>", "lastName": "<last name>" }, {...}, ... ]
GETOnly users belonging to an admin group can GET
Response body:
{ "id": "<id>", "username": "<username>", "email": "<email>", "firstName": "<first name>", "lastName": "<last name>" }
Only users belonging to an admin group can DELETE
PATCH (Content-type: applicatin/json
)Only users belonging to an admin group can PATCH
Request body:
{ "id": "<id>", "username": "<username>", "email": "<email>", "firstName": "<first name>", "lastName": "<last name>" }
POST (Content-type: applicatin/json
)Only users belonging to an admin group can POST
Request body:
{ "group": "<group>" }
DELETEOnly users belonging to an admin group can DELETE
PUT (Content-type: applicatin/json
)Each user can update only its own email. Admins have no special power, they should instead use the PATCH
resource.Request body:
{ "email": "<email>" }
PUT (Content-type: applicatin/json
)Each user can update only its own password. Admins have no special power, they should instead use the PUT
resource.Request body:
{ "oldPassword": "<old password>", "newPassword": "<new password>" }
PUT (Content-type: applicatin/json
)Each user can update only its own password. Admins have no special power, they should instead use the PUT
resource.Request body:
{ "password": "<password>", }
GETOnly users belonging to an admin group can GET
Response body (array of group names):
[ "admin", "<group1>", "<group2>", ... ]
POSTOnly users belonging to an admin group can POST
Request body:
{ "group": "<group>" }
DELETEOnly users belonging to an admin group can DELETE