
This package provides a set of react components that can be used to interact with a saint-perter authentication server.


This is the main component. By using this component you don't need to use any of the other ones.


  • authServerURL: URL of the server providing authentication
  • mainComponent: component to display. If routes is provided, this component will be fed children accordingly
  • mainPath: path corrensponding to the mainComponent (default app)
  • routes: optional array of react-router Routes. They will be sub-paths of the mainPath
  • adminGroup: group whose users are allowed to add/edit other users (default admin)
  • title: title shown on the top toolbar
  • logo: a react component dispalyed on the top left corner (e.g. )
  • hideHomeButton: hide the "home" button from the toolbar (default false)
  • leftToolbarElements: array of react elements to be shown on the left side of the toolbar
  • rightToolbarElements: array of react elements to be shown on the right side of the toolbar
  • history: one of browserHistory or hashHistory. See react-router for details