
Highlight changes to your marks from the LSF (also known as qis server).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Query the LSF (also known as qis server) and show a desktop notification on changes to your marks.



$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-dbus


Virtual Environment

We recommend using venv to create an isolated Python environment:

$ python3 -m venv query-lsf-venv

Edit the file query-lsf-venv/pyvenv.cfg and update the following line:

include-system-site-packages = true

Note: This is a workaround to be able to use system site packages but have a separate pip environment, too.

You can switch into the created virtual environment query-lsf-venv by running this command:

$ source query-lsf-venv/bin/activate

While the virtual environment is active, all packages installed using pip will be installed into this environment.

To deactivate the virtual environment, just run:

$ deactivate


If you are using a virtual environment, activate it first.

Install the module by running:

$ pip install git+https://github.com/lgrahl/query-lsf-marks.git

On Linux, you will also need to install notify2:

$ pip install notify2

On Windows, you will need to install gntp:

> <Path to Python Scripts>\pip.exe install gntp


Change into the folder of the repository and run the script with the following command:

$ query-lsf <username> <interval> [<storage>]
  • <username> is your user name in the LSF. The password will be requested once and stored in a secure keyring of your OS.
  • <interval> is the interval in minutes that defines how often the LSF will be queried.
  • <storage> is an optional path to a JSON file where the marks will be stored. Defaults to .query-lsf-marks.json and will be created if it does not exist.

Delete or Change Password

If the script runs in the background, stop it first.

Delete the current password of <username>:

$ python3 -m keyring del query-lsf <username>

If you run query-lsf again it will request a password.