
ClojureScript React adapter

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


[minreact "0.1.6] is a ClojureScript adapter for Facebooks React. It is designed with the minimalistic goal of providing just enough ClojureScript to make React interop non-tedious.


  • Follows Clojures interop philosophy: Wherever minreact has no functionality to add you are encouraged to use interop

  • defspec and defreact macros make writing React specs and factories look and feel both idiomatic and transparent at the same time

  • Memorizable API to access local mutable state

  • with-iref component and macro to bind components to ClojureScript IRefs like atoms.

  • opt-in wrapping modifier for JS compatible wrapper components

  • ClojureScript identity diffing (shouldComponentUpdate) by default

  • Little to no overhead in comparison to plain React


This is a simple "Hello User" with a timer in minreact and sablono

(ns dev.core
  (:require [minreact.core :as m :refer-macros [defreact]]
            [sablono.core :refer-macros [html]])
  (:import [goog Timer]))

(defreact hello-ui [your-name]
  :state {:keys [seconds-passed timer]}
  (fn render []
      [:div (str "Hello, " your-name "!"
                 " I know you since " seconds-passed " seconds.")]))
  (fn getInitialState []
    {:seconds-passed 0
     :timer (Timer. 1000)})
  (fn componentDidMount []
    (.listen timer Timer.TICK
             #(m/state! this update :seconds-passed inc))
    (.start timer))
  (fn componentWillUnmount []
    (.stop timer)))

(js/React.render (hello-ui "User")
                 (js/document.getElementById "app"))


Please raise issues of any kind whenever you are stuck or have a great idea.

Contributions of any kind are welcome. Remember though that this project emphasizes minimalism. In any case, please open an issue before writing code.


Copyright © 2015 Leon Grapenthin

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.