
A simple JSweet Polymer showcase, following a "todo app" tutorial

Primary LanguageJava

Cordova Polymer TODO list app

Based on this tutorial


  • Ensure java version is 8 using java -version
  • Ensure maven command line (mvn) is in PATH by typing mvn -version, if command not found, download apache maven 3.3.x and include its bin folder in PATH, then try again
  • Ensure node packet manager (npm) is in PATH by typing npm -v, if command not found, download and install NodeJS, then try again
  • Install Cordova >= 5.3 if not done yet: npm install cordova@5.3.3 -g, -g switch means install globally


Compile JSweet using

mvn clean generate-sources

JavaScript files are generated in www/js/app/, check that they are up to date


Run using cordova, for instance:

cordova platform add browser
mvn run browser


cordova platform add android
mvn run android