
Brings the power of JSweet to Gradle

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

JSweet Gradle plugin

Brings the power of JSweet to Gradle


Add the JSweet's repositories and the Gradle plugin dependency to your project's build.gradle, in the buildScript section:

buildscript {
	repositories {
		maven { url "https://repository.jsweet.org/artifactory/libs-release-local" }
		maven { url "https://repository.jsweet.org/artifactory/libs-snapshot-local" }
		maven { url "https://repository.jsweet.org/artifactory/plugins-release-local" }
		maven { url "https://repository.jsweet.org/artifactory/plugins-snapshot-local" }
		maven { url "https://google-diff-match-patch.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/maven" }
	dependencies {
		classpath('org.jsweet:jsweet-gradle-plugin:3.1.0') {
			transitive = true 

Then apply the JSweet Gradle plugin, as usual:

apply plugin: 'org.jsweet.jsweet-gradle-plugin'

and optionally disable java compilation (JSweet sources may not be considered as standard java sources):

compileJava {
	enabled = false

Add your JSweet dependencies (candies):

dependencies {
	compile group: 'org.jsweet', name: 'jsweet-transpiler', version: "3.0.0"
	compile group: 'org.jsweet', name: 'jsweet-core', version: "6"
	compile group: 'org.jsweet.candies', name: 'angular', version: "1.4.0-20170726"
	compile group: 'org.jsweet.candies', name: 'angular-route', version: "1.2.0-20170726"

Configure the JSweet plugin:

jsweet {
	verbose = true
	encoding = 'UTF-8'
	sourceMap = true
	outDir = project.file('target/javascript')
	candiesJsOut = project.file('target/candies')
	targetVersion = 'ES6'
	includes = ['**/fr/test/my/**/*.java']
	// extraSystemPath = '/my/path/to/npm'

The configuration options are based on the JSweet maven plugin options, please refer to its README for a comprehensive documentation: https://github.com/lgrignon/jsweet-maven-plugin#basic-configuration

Then, just invoke one of the JSweet gradle task:

$ gradle jsweet
$ gradle jsweetClean

Development / Contribution / Deploy

Make sure your JAVA_HOME points to a JDK 11 installation.

Currently, the check target seems to be failing, missing some JUnit dependencies.

You can build and assemble the plugin as follows:

./gradlew clean assemble

For manual testing with other local Gradle projects using JSweet:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

You may find you need to set skipSigning for this to succeed.

In the client project, add to settings.gradle:

pluginManagement {
    // includeBuild '../../../Projects/jsweet-gradle-plugin'
    resolutionStrategy {
        eachPlugin {
            if (requested.id.namespace == 'org.jsweet') {
    repositories {

Without the resolutionStrategy, Gradle may fail looking for an ID ending in .gradle.plugin.

In the client project build.gradle, add:

buildscript {
	repositories {
		maven { url "https://repository.jsweet.org/artifactory/libs-release-local" }
		maven { url "https://repository.jsweet.org/artifactory/libs-snapshot-local" }
		maven { url "https://repository.jsweet.org/artifactory/plugins-release-local" }
		maven { url "https://repository.jsweet.org/artifactory/plugins-snapshot-local" }
		maven { url "https://google-diff-match-patch.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/maven" }
	dependencies {
		classpath('org.jsweet:jsweet-gradle-plugin:3.1.0') {
			transitive = true 

plugins {
    id 'org.jsweet.jsweet-gradle-plugin' version '3.1.0'

Configure signing

Add those lines to your ~/.gradle/gradle.properties:


To regenerate this file from the gpg DB, use the following command:

gpg --export-secret-keys > path/to/secrets.gpg

To show short key ID (8 chars):

gpg --list-keys --keyid-format short

Or you can skip signing with:

./gradlew ... -DskipSigning=true


Install with:

./gradlew clean publishToMavenLocal

Deploy (needs credentials)

# on JSweet's repository
./gradlew clean publish

# on central Gradle plugins repository
./gradlew clean publishPlugins