Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION


This repository contains the necessary data structures and algorithms to perform a) RM3 query expansion, b) Rank fusion, and c) A combination of these approaches.

This framework was used in the results from the following work:

  • Rodger Benham, J. Shane Culpepper, Luke Gallagher, Xiaolu Lu, Joel Mackenzie, Towards Efficient and Effective Query Variant Generation, DESIRES 2018.

Building Collections

Inverted Index

First, we start with an Indri index. We then convert it to a ds2i index using the indri_to_ds2i binary in the format_collection directory.

Apart from the normal ds2i files (which a description can be found at the bottom of this README), a document map and lexicon are also output.

Next, once you have a ds2i formatted collection, you can build the PEF index and wand data required for top-k search. This is well documented below (in the ds2i section of this README). Note that I always use opt encoding. VBMW indexes need to be built with caution: the parameter fixed_cost_wand_partition found in configuration.hpp will impact the optimization of block sizes, and you may end up with an index with a strange/unexpected average block size. This is the lambda parameter from the VBMW paper. If you only care about fixed BMW indexes, you can use the block_size parameter (also in configuration.hpp) to create a normal BMW index with the provided block size.

Document Vectors

The document vector code is entirely contained within the docvector/ directory. Build the code, and then use create_docvectors to generate the document vector for the collection. This is similar to the creation of the inverted indexes (it takes a ds2i collection as input). You can also provide a stoplist to ensure your document vectors do not contain certain terms.

Query Format

Queries are of the form ID t1 t2 ... tk where terms should be appropriately stemmed/stopped before being passed into the engine. A Krovetz stemmer has been provided in the format_queries directory.

Param files

The supplied binaries that enable RM3 expansion take param files as arguments. These are described as follows.


Note that:

  • inverted_index is created using create_freq_index,
  • wand_file is created with create_wand_data`,
  • forward_index is created using docvector/create_docvectors,
  • docs_to_expand is the number of documents to use for RM3 expansion,
  • terms_to_expand is the number of terms to expand from the RM (when creating the new, expanded query),
  • lambda_expand is the weight given to the original query, (1-lambda is given to the expanded query),
  • final_k is the final top-k list size, and
  • gen_queries is the number of queries to generate if using the sampler (external_corpus_sampler).

Walk through

We provide a basic end-to-end walkthrough in the example directory.


Data Structures for Inverted Indexes (ds2i) is a library of data structures to represent the integer sequences used in inverted indexes.

This code was used in the experiments of the following papers.

  • Giuseppe Ottaviano, Rossano Venturini, Partitioned Elias-Fano Indexes, ACM SIGIR 2014.

  • Giuseppe Ottaviano, Nicola Tonellotto, Rossano Venturini, Optimal Space-Time Tradeoffs for Inverted Indexes, ACM WSDM 2015.

  • Antonio Mallia, Giuseppe Ottaviano, Elia Porciani, Nicola Tonellotto, Rossano Venturini, Faster BlockMax WAND with variable-sized blocks, ACM SIGIR 2017.

Building the code

The code is tested on Linux with GCC 5.4.0 and macOS Sierra with Clang.

The following dependencies are needed for the build.

  • CMake >= 2.8, for the build system
  • Boost >= 1.51

To install Boost, run ./boost.sh first.

The code depends on several git submodules. If you have cloned the repository without --recursive, you will need to perform the following commands before building:

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

To build the code:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ make

It is also preferable to perform a make test, which runs the unit tests.

For further information about ds2i and variable block-max wand, please visit the original repos:

Collection input format

A binary sequence is a sequence of integers prefixed by its length, where both the sequence integers and the length are written as 32-bit little-endian unsigned integers.

A collection consists of 3 files, <basename>.docs, <basename>.freqs, <basename>.sizes.

  • <basename>.docs starts with a singleton binary sequence where its only integer is the number of documents in the collection. It is then followed by one binary sequence for each posting list, in order of term-ids. Each posting list contains the sequence of document-ids containing the term.

  • <basename>.freqs is composed of a one binary sequence per posting list, where each sequence contains the occurrence counts of the postings, aligned with the previous file (note however that this file does not have an additional singleton list at its beginning).

  • <basename>.sizes is composed of a single binary sequence whose length is the same as the number of documents in the collection, and the i-th element of the sequence is the size (number of terms) of the i-th document.

We thank the original authors for providing their code: