This is a simple Bank Management System implemented in C++. The system provides basic functionality for managing bank accounts, including creating, updating, listing, and deleting accounts. It also allows for withdrawing and depositing funds, as well as generating bank statements.
Create Account: Users can create new bank accounts with details such as account number, account holder's name , etc.
Update Account: Account information can be updated as per the choices shown in Update.png.
List Accounts: The system can display a list of all the accounts with their details.
Delete Account: Users have the option to delete a bank account. This action should be performed with caution, as it permanently removes the account from the system.
Withdraw/Deposit: Account holders can make withdrawals and deposits into their accounts. The system will update the account balance accordingly.
Bank Statements: Users can generate bank statements for their accounts, which provide a detailed overview of account transactions, including deposits, withdrawals as well the time of transaction.