
Async queue to process and replace Promise.all for iteration data

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Async queue for processing data

~96% code coverage ✨

Zero dependencies ✨

Installation and Usage

ES2018 via npm

npm install async-queued
import { CreateAsyncQueue } from 'async-queued'

const queue = new CreateAsyncQueue((value: string) => value, ['1', '2', '3'])
await queue.run()

or if you want to transform every item after queue iteration:

import { CreateAsyncQueue } from 'async-queued'

const queue = new CreateAsyncQueue((value: string) => {
  ...you can do anything with passed value (value from entry array)
  return value
}, ['1', '2', '3'])
await queue.run((item) => {
  ...do all with iteration item


You can see sample usage in Installation and Usage heading, but this library do more. So the simple example with extended function here:

const queue = new CreateAsyncQueue((value: string) => value, ['1', '2', '3'])
await queue.run()

queue.push(['3', '2', '1'])




await queue.resume()


If you want to pass function with multiple arguments, you can:

const queue = new CreateAsyncQueue(
  (first: string, second: number) => first + second,
    ['1', 1],
    ['2', 2],
await queue.run()

If you want to control, log or transform every queue item after awaiting, you can pass function to run:

const queue = new CreateAsyncQueue((value: string) => value, ['1', '2', '3'])
await queue.run((item) => {
  ...do with item everything

it will be invoked on every iteration.

Also, if you invoke run function second time and don't want to invoke previous function passed, you can suppress this:

const queue = new CreateAsyncQueue((value: string) => value, ['1', '2', '3'])
await queue.run((item) => {


await queue.run(null, false)

just pass the second argument as false to suppress invocation



Stop function that stopping all future Promises, but not current.

 * @returns CreateAsyncQueue instance


Resume function that resume current queue.

 * @returns CreateAsyncQueue instance


Push function that push values to current queue.

 * @entry Array of { values }
 * @returns CreateAsyncQueue instance
queue.push([1, 2, 3])


resetAll function that reset queue and set queue data.

 * @entry Array of { values }
 * @returns CreateAsyncQueue instance
queue.resetAll([1, 2, 3])


getResultedData function that returns data after the passed iteration, which could be changed.

 * @returns Array of { values }


getQueueData function that returns data to current queue, that need to be processed.

 * @returns Array of { values }


getProcessedData function that returns data that already processed, but not resulted.

 * @returns Array of { values }

Couple words about Typescript

If we providing types, it could be easy to queue:

const iterationFn = (value: string) => value
 * value: string -> we have only 1 way how to pass entry value array it is a Array<string>
const queue = new CreateAsyncQueue(iterationFn, ['1', '2', '3'])
await queue.run()
const iterationFn = (value: boolean) => value
 * value: boolean -> we have only 1 way how to pass entry value array it is a Array<boolean>
const queue = new CreateAsyncQueue(iterationFn, [true, false])
await queue.run()
const iterationFn = (value: boolean, secondValue: number) => value
 * value: [boolean, number] -> we have only 1 way how to pass entry value array it is a Array<[boolean,number]>
const queue = new CreateAsyncQueue(iterationFn, [
  [true, 1],
  [false, 2],
await queue.run()

it also works with partial arguments

const iterationFn = (value: boolean, secondValue?: number) => value
 * value: [boolean, number] -> we have only 1 way how to pass entry value array
 * it is a Array<[boolean,number]> or Array<[boolean]>
const queue = new CreateAsyncQueue(iterationFn, [[true, 1], [false]])
await queue.run()


  • Smaller overall bundles sizes
  • Provide better performance than solutions with Promise.all or smth like that
  • Remove Promise all for awaiting iterable data


  • yarn compile build everything
  • yarn serve run locally
  • yarn tests run tests