
Polybar module for npm packages

Primary LanguagePython

Script for polybar to get npm packages

This script displays the current selected npm packages. Information is obtained from npm official api.


Python Dependencies

  • argparser
  • requests
  • configparser


Move pnpm.py and pnpm.config to specific folder and create polybar module or use install.sh script.

Provide your package names in the -fws argument to the script like: python3 /path/to/pnpm.py -fws react angular ...


You just need to import module ( if you installed it from script or manually as file ):

  • go to your polybar conf file with the bars
  • use include-file on the top of file
  • include-file = path/to/your/module/or/modules/file

or create module in the exist file:

type = custom/script
exec = python3 ~/.config/polybar/pnpm/pnpm.py -fws react
interval = 300
tail = true

and import font to the polybar bar:

font-0 = "Terminess Nerd Font Mono:size=20;5" in this case font-0 current 0 is a font priority, and size=20 size for current font


Exist config has predefined options:

  • react
  • vue
  • leaflet
  • graphql
  • pg
  • amqplib
  • sass
  • less
  • stylus
  • ember-cli
  • svelte
  • electron
  • angular

You can use these options, or create your own, just add a section to the pnpm.config like this: