

  • you should have bundler and heroku gems, if not you can install it

    gem install heroku bundler


  1. Clone this project

    git clone git:// my_new_static_site

  2. Unlink original github reference

    cd my_new_static_site

    git remote rm origin

  3. Create a Heroku application

    heroku apps:create my_new_static_site

  4. Install gems

    bundle --path=.bundle

  5. copy or create new files to public

    cd public #("copy or create files here...")

    note: to test this site, run localy a rackup server, on this way into your project base directory..


    at this moment you can navigate localy http://localhost:9292/ to see you static site

  6. add new files to the repository

    git add .

  7. commit the changes

    git commit -m "add some files"

  8. push and deploy to heroku

    git push heroku master

  9. navigate site

    heroku open