This is a emulation of a LCD screen to print numbers.So given a list of inputs with certain format, print the specified numbers in console, simulating a LCD screen.

Primary LanguagePython

Technical Overview

This project was developed using Python 2.7 and nosetest test runner package

Folder Structure


Instruction to run this Project

I assume that you have Python already installed, so you just need to follow the next instructions in order to run this project.

 https://github.com/lgutie16/LCD     [Clone the project in your selected directory]
 cd LCD/app                          [Go inside the main source directory]
 python main.py                      [Run app]

In the other hand, to run tests, you'll need to install nosetest test runner package and after that, tests file can be executed

pip install nose        [Install Python package]
cd LDC/test 			[Go inside test directory]
nosetests test_lcd.py  	[Run tests]

If you need to debug this project, there is an imported module called pdb and you can call it into the code in this way for example.

for seg in xrange(len(self.seg_list[0])):
	seg_ref = self.seg_list[0][seg]

After that, execute the the project and in pdb type the name of the variables you want to see. For example :

(pdb) ....