Segmentation fault (core dumped) while running miniasm
Opened this issue · 1 comments
ShuChen1986 commented
I used minimap2 get a paf file, and then I used miniasm to get the gfa file. It gave me the following error info. Could you give me any suggestions on this?
minimap2 -t 28 -x ava-ont N_all_filt.fq N_all_filt.fq | gzip -1 > ont.paf.gz
miniasm -f ~/scsio/Nanopore/Data/N_all_filt.fq ont.paf.gz > ont.gfa
[M::main] ===> Step 1: reading read mappings <===
/opt/gridview//pbs/dispatcher/mom_priv/jobs/76753.mgr.SC: line 12: 24731 Segmentation fault (core dumped) ~/app/miniasm-master/miniasm -f ~/scsio/Nanopore/Data/N_all_filt.fq ont.paf.gz > ont.gfa
ardy20 commented
I get the same error. Looks that no one takes care of this tool anymore.