- 4
Next Step after generating assembly.gfa file.
#94 opened by ufaroooq - 5
Not results generating?
#87 opened by sekhwal - 0
Minidot invalid option -- 'D'
#95 opened by JKing2000 - 4
Empty gfa file after miniasm run
#83 opened by aastha-v - 8
No output of Minisam?
#50 opened by HuJane - 3
- 4
- 1
- 0
combine replicates
#90 opened by mbartl13 - 3
miniasm output with NNNN's
#65 opened by GeoMicroSoares - 0
- 0
Empty paf file. No error message.
#88 opened by Yang-Wang-2020 - 1
- 1
PAF Format detail
#86 opened by sd880131 - 0
Miniasm killed process
#85 opened by vilperte - 0
- 3
Hello there,
#76 opened by shehongbing - 0
Conceptual Question About Miniasm
#79 opened by chocotwig - 0
Number of rounds for short overlap removal
#77 opened by snurk - 1
empty .gfa
#47 opened by Raistrawby - 1
Can miniasm be used for contigs
#75 opened by SilasK - 8
miniasm segmentation fault
#48 opened by imneuro - 1
Explanation of GFA file format
#71 opened by nhartwic - 4
No output in GFA file after miniasm run.
#70 opened by tayabsoomro - 2
PAF end coordinates
#72 opened by johnomics - 1
how to calculated identity?
#69 opened by LinXialab - 1
minimap2 + miniasm + racon pipeline produces bigger genome assembly than expected
#60 opened by MehmetGoktay - 0
using a fragmented genome as an input
#68 opened by dcopetti - 2
Quality scores during mapping
#67 opened by ardakdemir - 0
- 2
GFA with '*' sequences
#61 opened by sage-wright - 0
nanopore output files: demultiplexed or non
#64 opened by oatesa - 0
Coverage per contig?
#63 opened by cjchen5 - 3
- 0
assembly for multiple fastq files
#59 opened by xingjianfeng100 - 1
explanation of GFA output
#58 opened by lfaino - 2
- 0
minidot can't plot right
#57 opened - 0
miniasm error
#55 opened by Xuelei-Dai - 5
Please tag a stable release
#43 opened by sjackman - 0
max divergence optimization
#54 opened by EarlyEvol - 4
Minimap or Minimap2
#53 opened by jjkoehorst - 2
Do you keep on tagging releases
#51 opened by tillea - 1
Working with corrected Nanopore reads?
#49 opened by moold - 0
miniasm output with 0 with test data
#52 opened by ljw90607 - 0
How to estimate computational resource?
#46 opened by imneuro - 1
No sequences in gfa - unable to convert to fasta
#45 opened by lpryszcz - 0
Reassembling polished unitigs with the raw reads
#44 opened by sjackman - 1
Unitig id suffix 'l' vs 'c'
#41 opened by audrina - 5
High scoring segment pairs
#40 opened by rehab-fouad