- 0
Color output
#39 opened - 1
- 1
- 8
Segmentation fault
#36 opened - 0
Repeat masking
#35 opened - 0
- 17
- 6
- 1
#31 opened - 0
genomes longer than 100MB
#30 opened - 0
minidot plot in specific order
#29 opened - 7
Core Dumped while Generating Unitigs
#27 opened - 0
failed at index.c
#26 opened - 0
Short read lengths - genome assembly
#25 opened - 5
- 0
Miniasm outputs genome with 100% Ns
#22 opened - 2
Miniasm not making it past Step 1
#21 opened - 1
miniasm over corrected long reads
#20 opened - 4
Segmentation fault at step 1
#19 opened - 7
layout step produces empty gfa
#18 opened - 1
- 4
- 2
sam2paf javascript code
#15 opened - 1
GFA usage help
#14 opened - 1
GFA file input to Bandage
#13 opened - 4
- 7
assembling canu corrected reads
#11 opened - 2
Document GFA `a` record
#10 opened - 2
output string graph in GFA format
#8 opened - 9
Segmentation fault happened at step3
#7 opened - 3
Assertion error
#6 opened - 7
assembling short references
#5 opened - 3
bad gateway for test data
#4 opened - 16
- 2
P6C4 devnet: Assertion error
#2 opened - 1
Add version flag -V
#1 opened