
My custom multipass images for local development and testing use

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Custom Multipass Images For a Local Nomad Cluster

My custom multipass images for local development and testing use. If you don't want to use the binaries, or you need to customize more, you can build the images yourself using packer.


cd nomad-client
packer build template.json
multipass launch file://$PWD/output-qemu/packer-qemu

A more detailed procedure can be found in this post


These two images can be used to create a local nomad cluster. They also include consul. Currently only supports one server and multiple clients.

Steps to run:

multipass launch https://img.taypo.com/nomad-server.img --name NomadServer

Get the IP address of the server from multipass info NomadServer. Create the following file, and replace the IP with the IP of the server you just created.


-   content: |
        retry_join = ["put your nomad server ip between these quotes"]
    path: /etc/consul.d/join.hcl

Now you can launch as many clients as you want:

multipass launch https://img.taypo.com/nomad-client.img --name NomadClient1 --cloud-init cloudinit.yml
multipass launch https://img.taypo.com/nomad-client.img --name NomadClient2 --cloud-init cloudinit.yml
multipass launch https://img.taypo.com/nomad-client.img --name NomadClient3 --cloud-init cloudinit.yml

Consul UI will be running on port 8500 of the server. And Nomad UI on 4646.