
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ok Pluto

Social site for dogs and their owners


  • Product Owner: Daisy Good
  • Scrum Master: Ivey Topaz
  • Development Team Members: Kat Gurdak, Jarrett Kennedy

Table of Contents

  1. Back-End
  2. Front-End
  3. Development
    1. Installing Dependencies
    2. Tasks
  4. Team
  5. Feature To Do List


The back-end uses Node with Express, and MongoDB with Mongoose. The Gruntfile controls compiling the src directory into bundle.js

    |   routes.js - contains all API endpoints to access database, and outside APIs
|---models - Holds all DB schemas
    |   events.js
    |   users.js
    |   db.js - sets up connection to mongo DB
    |   api.js - hold Google API key (you will need to add this with your own key) - most Google API communication is through script tag in index.html
    |   auth0.js - auth0 API client ID and domain (you will need to add this with your own info) - utilized on front end


The front-end uses React with Material-UI, and Auth0 for password storing / login services

|   index.html
|   bundle.js - compiled by grunt build from /src directory
|---assets - contains images
    |   main.css
|---src - all of these files compile into bundle.js
    |   app.jsx - renders react components to DOM
    |---components - contains all react components
        |   distanceServices.jsx - helper function, finds distance between user and other users or meetups
        |   eventServices.jsx - helper functions to communicate with DB
        |   userServices.jsx - helper functions to communicate with DB
        |   theme.js - material UI color theme
        |   AuthService.jsx - all helper functions related to Auth0
        |   google.js - not used, you can ignore


Installing Dependencies

From within the root directory:

npm install



Will open a DB connection, and compile and run the program. Can run grunt build to just compile. If you have a watch running and it errors out, you may need to run killall node before restarting

Feature To Do List

  • Add photo uploading
  • Lessen API calls to Google Distance Matrix
  • Add messaging between users and comments on events
  • Display more info events displays (map to location, or accurate address)