
Organizing space for the Well Being in Tech Conference Project

Well-Being in Tech Conference

Welcome to the organizing space for the Well-Being in Tech Conference project. Follow this repo to participate.

What is the Well-Being in Tech Conference Project

Born from multiple talks at technical conferences about health and well-being for individuals working in the technology space, the Well-Being in Tech Conference Project aims to create a replicable model for events that address how to create and sustain well-being for each of us as individuals, including within our teams, organizations, companies, families and social circles.

This particular conversation began following a presentation from John Willis at DevOpsDays Amsterdam 2015 on burnout and mental health. (John's blog post on this topic.)

How Can I Participate

This Project Operates Under a Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct covers participation in the Well-Being in Tech Conference project space here on GitHub. We encourage individual event organizers to adopt a Code of Conduct for each event they create.

Code of Conduct

The Well-Being in Tech Conference project endeavors to create and maintain a safe, respectful, and inclusive atmosphere for all of our community members regardless of gender identity or expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, mental or physical health, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, nationality, socioeconomic class, parental status, political affiliation, educational background, knowledge level, professional experience level, or any other identity trait.

Because we respect one another's identities, we will happily use personal pronouns and nicknames preferred by those around us. We will apologetically and unhesitatingly cease using language that others tell us is derogatory and offensive.

We are thoughtful in creating accessible and usable community spaces and products. We will consult experts to ensure we aren't making assumptions about what others may want or need.

We recognize that we all come into the community with our own level of awareness, understanding, and appreciation of groups, cultures, and other's experiences. We set aside assumptions and biases to support and understand one another both as individuals and as rich, diverse groups. Issues of marginalization -- subtle or otherwise -- are difficult to address and counteract, but we are committed to doing all we can. At the same time, we believe everyone is entitled to an intimidation-free environment.

When we hurt someone, we understand that apologies are not always what the people we hurt may want or need. When we do apologize, they are genuine and without exceptions. Regardless, we commit to educate ourselves and avoid harming others in the future.

A healthy community is composed of people of all experience and knowledge levels - from hobbyists to absolute beginners to those who have used and loved our products since the earliest versions. We aim to think first of those that may not share our abilities or experiences; we ask questions without judgement, make no assumptions, and do not belittle or feign surprise when we receive questions. We welcome you all and are inspired by the different ways we each contribute to Elasticsearch ecosystem.

The Well-Being in Tech Conference encourages collaboration, respects differences no matter their size, and fosters cultural and global understanding.

Participants in the Well-Being in Tech Conference project agree to abide by this code of conduct.

In the event that you are experiencing harassment or behavior from another participant that violates this project code of conduct, please file an issue in the repo and it will be addressed by the community members. In the event that you are uncomfortable reporting a code of conduct violaton in public, please contact the moderators of the Well-Being in Tech Conference planning and discussion Google Group for assistance or ask for help from one of the moderators in our Slack channel. We are here to ensure that you have a positive, welcoming and useful experience as a participant in this project.

Any participant found to be engaging in harassment or other behavior that harms the well-being of this project or its participants will be asked to leave. This will include removal from the project mailing lists and this project space on GitHub, including its issues list and wiki space.


  • The Well-Being in Tech Conference Code of Conduct is adapted from a work for hire project created by Ashe Dryden and is used under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
  • Thank you to John Willis for inspiring this initial conversation in Amsterdam, and to Ian Chard for noting topics of burnout and mental health require their own event to address them.
  • Thank you to Arjen Lentz for his creation of the Blue Hackers project.
  • Thank you to the many speakers who have addressed these topics for the past few years, and to all conference organizers who have welcomed speakers on mental health, physical differences, diversity, burnout and overall well-being to their programs. Without this backdrop to our community-wide conversation, this project would never have been possible.
  • Thank you to all of our friends, family members and kind near-strangers who have taken the time to listen to our stories when we needed support and a safe place to talk about our difficulties. Without you, we would never have felt safe enough to do this work, nor had the strength to do it. We are at our strongest and most resilient when we have one another to rely on.