
SCMS is a Simple Content Management System

Primary LanguageJava

Build Status


SCMS (Simple Content Management System) is very simple file-based CMS - no database required!
SCMS exists to support static websites or dynamic sites that achieve their dynamic nature through JavaScript.

SCMS is extraordinarily simple: given a source directory tree of Markdown and html content files, it applies one or more page templates to the content, resulting in a new 1-to-1 directory tree with fully rendered HTML files. It is expected that you will manage your content (markdown files, images, etc) using a version control system like Git or Subversion.

When it comes time to preview your changes as complete HTML or publish your site to web servers, you run a simple SCMS command line script to render your web site. You can take the resulting directory tree and either commit it to version
control or just push it directly to your web servers. Super easy.

Resulting output is fully customizable via Velocity templates



SCMS is a Java-based command line program. You do not need to know anything about Java and the generated site does not require Java. Java is only needed to execute the scms command line script.

Check to see if you have Java installed by running the following command at a terminal prompt:

$ java -version

and you should see something like this:

java version "1.8.0_92"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_92-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.92-b14, mixed mode)

If you don't see something similar, install Java first and ensure the java command is in your $PATH. Ok, moving on...

Download SCMS

You may download the latest stable SCMS version from Maven Central.

Install SCMS

Unzip the SCMS distribution .zip file (e.g. scms-0.3.0.zip). Add the resulting scms-0.3.0/bin directory to your PATH environment variable. For example, on Unix, Linux and Mac OS X*:

$ unzip scms-0.3.0.zip
$ export PATH=scms-0.3.0/bin:$PATH

It is recommended that you set this in ~/.bash_profile so you don't have to do this manually every time you open a new terminal prompt.

*Windows users can set their PATH via these instructions


Once you add the SCMS bin directory to your path, you can run it by simply typing scms on the command line:

$ scms

The above command will show a help menu with further usage instructions.

Directory Structure

Create a quick directory structure like the following on your file system. This will be our quick starter project:


The mysite directory is the root of our quick website project. The templates directory is a sub directory.


Create a .scms.groovy file in the root directory of your static website project with the following contents to get started:

scms {

    excludes = ['templates/**']

    patterns {
        '**/*.md' {
            template = 'templates/default.vtl'

Here's what the contents mean:

  • The scms block is the top-level 'wrapper' containing all relevant SCMS configuration.
  • The excludes property is a comma-delimited list of Ant-style pattern strings. Any file discovered matching one of these patterns will not be copied by SCMS to the output directory. The above example shows what most people want: to exclude any rendering templates.
  • The patterns block contains one or more Ant-style patterns, each with their own config block to be applied when SCMS encounters a file matching that pattern.

The above **/*.md Ant-style pattern example in the patterns block ensures that, whenever a Markdown file is encountered in the mysite directory or any of its children directories, SCMS will:

  1. Read the Markdown file's contents
  2. Convert those contents from Markdown to HTML
  3. Merge the resulting HTML with the templates/default.vtl Velocity template. We'll cover templates in just a second.

Now our project structure looks like this:


HTML Template

Create a default.vtl template file in the templates subdirectory with the following contents:




This is a Velocity template file (the .vtl extension indicates a Velocity Template Language file). When SCMS runs, any encountered Markdown file will be rendered to HTML and then that rendered HTML will replace the $content placeholder.

Now our project structure looks like this:


Our First Content File

Create an index.md Markdown file at the root of your sample project with the following contents:

# Hello World

This is my first SCMS-rendered site!

Now our project structure looks like this:


Render your site

Now that we have our config, an HTML template and an initial bit of Markdown content, we can render our site. Enter the project root directory:

$ cd mysite

Now render your site. We'll specify output as our destination directory, relative to the project root. SCMS will render all output to the output directory. You can specify a different directory if you want the output to be somewhere else. Run this:

$ scms output

After you've run this command, you'll see the following directory structure:


See the new output directory with the index.html file? Open it up and this is what you'll see:


<h1>Hello World</h1>
<p>This is my first SCMS-rendered site!</p>


See how the index.md file was converted to the <h1> and <p> content? And then see how the $content placeholder in default.vtl was replaced with the converted HTML?

This is what SCMS does - sweet and simple.

How does this work?

Now that you've gotten your feet wet, here's what is going on:

SCMS will produce a 1:1 recursive copy of the site in your source directory (the mysite directory above) to your specified destination directory (the output directory above). But during that process, it will render all Markdown files as HTML files using the specified Velocity template(s) in .scms.groovy.

As you can infer from .scms.groovy, you can have multiple templates: for any file matching a particular pattern, you can apply a specific template for that pattern. Patterns are matched based on a 'first match wins' policy, so more specific patterns must be defined before more general patterns. If a file in the source directory tree does not match a pattern in .scms.groovy, it is simply copied to the destination directory unchanged. Any file that you don't want copied to the destination directory should have a path that matches one of the String patterns in the excludes array.

All that is left now is to learn a little bit of the Velocity Template Language so you can write as many .vtl Velocity templates as you want to customize the rendered output (look and feel) of your site.

Build Instructions

This section is only necessary if you want to build SCMS yourself instead of downloading it directly.

SCMS requires Java 1.8 and Maven 3 to build:

$ mvn install

This will create the SCMS distribution .zip file in the dist/target directory. You can unzip the zip file and run the bin/scms script as explained at the top of this document.