I got interested in SAP SE at some point, and wanted to play with it on my laptop. But it's... really not designed for that. So I looked for an emulator, but found none.
Therefore, I decided to write a SAP emulator in Python. Things quickly got out of hand.
I'm particularly proud of the lexer and parser, which are incredibly compact, with the majority of the language's grammar actually specified by a text file: syntax.txt That text file is largely copy-paste-edited from the excellent help.sap.com ABAP Documentation. I don't think they meant for their grammar be used directly by an interpreter, but with some minor modifications I was able to make it work...
Here is the result of running loops.abap:
x: 0
y: 0
y: 1
y: 2
y: 3
x: 1
x: 2
y: 0
y: 1
y: 2
y: 3
In vain do you attempt to conceal your excitement.
You can run example files from the command line using main.py.
There are some... example... shellscripts...
which show example usage of main.py.
(NOTE: those shellscripts expect you to cd abippity
before running.)
Some examples of Abippity source code (which are probably valid ABAP too) are included in the repo.
Most of the documentation is actually in Sapiness itself: index.html
I was running this at sapiness.bayersglassey.com for a while, but have probably taken it down by now.
To run it yourself:
# Set up a server somewhere, with an 'abap' user.
# Make a virtualenv called 'venv' in the abap user's home directory.
# pip install the requirements (just Django 1.11, but see /sapiness/requirements.txt)
# Install uwsgi under systemd.
# Then, on your local machine, cd into this git repo and:
export IP=... # IP address of your server
...WARNING: this deployment system is not particularly robust, and these instructions are probably not complete. If you are the kind of person who wants to run a SAP emulator in Django, I'm sure you'll figure out how to make it happen.
I'm proud to say no CSS or Javascript is used at all.