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- Verify Addresses with SmartyStreet's USPS Address Verification API
- Home Page: [SmartyStreet] (https://smartystreets.com)
- API Documentation: [SmartyStreet API docs] (https://smartystreets.com/docs)
- Create an Account with [SmartyStreet] (https://smartystreets.com)
- Login to Obtain the Auth ID and Auth Token
- Using Firefox or any browser go to (https://api.smartystreets.com) and export the complete SSL certificate hierarchy as a .DER
- Import the certificates into policy manager by selecting the Configure tab -> Security -> Certificates and click "Add Trusted CA Certificate" * note this will take a couple of minutes to propagate to network director.
- Install Authentication Custom Policies Follow instruction [Here] (https://bitbucket.org/akana/apihooks/src/f0a543b41c437a319e2a6573891813a01ff57f68/pso.experimental.extensions/?at=master)
- Download SmartyStreetAPIHook.zip (https://github.com/lheritage/Demo/tree/master/dist)
- Login to PolicyManager example: http://localhost:9900
- Select the select the parent organization you want to import the API Hook into. The import will create a whole new organization. Click on the "Import Package" from the Actions navigation window on the right side of the screen
- click on button to browse for the org_SmartyStreetOrg_export.zip archive file and click Okay.
- Expand the organization you imported into. You should now see a new organization called SmartyStreetOrg.
- Expand the services folder of the SmartyStreetOrg. You should see two physical and on virtual service.
- Expand scripts. You should see OpenAPI-Common
- Expand Policies -> Operation Policies. You should see two defined. SmartyStreet-HelloWorldConfig and SmartyStreet_SecurityPolicy
- Expand Policies -> Operation Policies and click on SmartyStreet-HelloWorldConfig
- From the XML Policy window in the center pane, click on Modify
- Enter your auth-id and your auth-token for smartystreets. Get it by logging into smartystreets
- Click Apply
- From the Policy Workflow pane on the right select Activate Policy
- We also need to activate the SmartyStreet_SecurityPolicy.
- Select SmartyStreet_SecurityPolicy
- From the Policy Workflow pane on the right select Activate Policy
To verify connectivity we create a sample integration API called SmartyStreets_HelloWorldIntegaration_vs0. You will find it in the services folder.
- This integration API uses the GET street-address of the SmartyStreets API to validate an address and then appends a success status to the result of the invocation of the SmartyStreets API.
- When viewing the details page of the SmartyStreets_HelloWorldIntegration_vs0 you will notice in the PolicyAttachment we have two operational policies attached.
- The first one is for auditing.
- The second one is the configurations we are supplying to the integration for authenticating to the SmartyStreets API.
- You can view the integration in PolicyManager by selecting the SmartyStreets_HelloWorldIntegration_vs0, selecting Operation from the menu bar, clicking on GET /validateStreet and select Process
Try out the integration
- Using your browser http://{Your HOST example: localhost:9901}/smarty/v1/validateStreet?street=12100 Wilshire Blvd&city=Los Angeles&state=CA&zipcode=90025
The results should look like this. You can change the address you want to verify.
"helloWorld":[{"input_index":0,"candidate_index":0,"delivery_line_1":"12100 Wilshire Blvd","last_line":"Los Angeles CA 90025-7120","delivery_point_barcode":"900257120996","components":{"primary_number":"12100","street_name":"Wilshire","street_suffix":"Blvd","city_name":"Los Angeles","state_abbreviation":"CA","zipcode":"90025","plus4_code":"7120","delivery_point":"99","delivery_point_check_digit":"6"},"metadata":{"record_type":"H","zip_type":"Standard","county_fips":"06037","county_name":"Los Angeles","carrier_route":"C026","congressional_district":"33","building_default_indicator":"Y","rdi":"Commercial","elot_sequence":"0074","elot_sort":"A","latitude":34.04348,"longitude":-118.46757,"precision":"Zip9","time_zone":"Pacific","utc_offset":-8,"dst":true},"analysis":{"dpv_match_code":"D","dpv_footnotes":"AAN1","dpv_cmra":"N","dpv_vacant":"N","active":"Y","footnotes":"H#"}}]}
In the event you need to change the API Hook. Here are the instructions to do so.
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