
This page illustrate a way for deploying API Central Mesh Governance on AWS for demo purposes. there is multiple ways of installing kubernetes, in this tutorial we will be using minikube.

⚠️ Disclaimer: installing minikube on AWS is not the best way of creating a hosted kubernetes cluster( explore kops, GKE, EKS...) , the purpose of this tutorial is just to give an alternative.

I Prerequisites

1 - Create an ec2 instance on AWS

In this tutorial we will use a ec2 instance to create an ec2 instance.

  • On your AWS Console, go to EC2, then click on Launch Instance
  • Create an EC2 instance of type Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM)
  • Select at least t2.xlarge for the image size (yes, Istio needs resources)
  • Select a key (or create it) then launch the instance (save the key locally, it is important for the rest of the tutorial).
  • Go back to EC2, on the list of the instances, identify the instance have just created, in its description, identify the security group attached to it and update it to allow all inbound traffic on port 443.
    list of ec2 instances, identify security group in the instance description
  • Edit the security group

edit security group

  • allow all traffic

allow all inbound traffic

2 - Setup the dynamic DNS

  • Create a free account for a dynamic DNS provider and create a free dns. in my example I created a host

  • Connect to use ec2 instance, the list of instruction to do that are described when you click on Connect button while selecting the ec2 instance. enter image description here ⚠️ You will have to use PuTTY if you are on windows.

  • Then setup the free DNS on you console

sudo yum install
sudo yum install -y noip
sudo noip2 -C 
sudo systemctl enable noip.service
sudo systemctl start noip.service

After few second your ec2 instance should be reachable using the dns host provided, you can verify that by doing and ssh again and using the host you provided instead of the generated hostname provided by ec2 For example: ssh -i asayah.pem

3 - Installing docker/kubernetes/minikube

ssh into the ec2 instance and run this commands:

Login as root

sudo -i

Install Docker

yum update -y
amazon-linux-extras install docker
service docker start

Install kubctl

curl -LO$(curl -s
chmod +x ./kubectl
mv ./kubectl /usr/bin

Install minikube

curl -Lo minikube \
  && chmod +x minikube
mv ./minikube /usr/bin

Install helm

curl -o helm.tar.gz -L
tar -xvf helm.tar.gz
mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/bin

Don't forget to run a helm init after starting your minikube.

Install socat

yum install socat -y

Install certbot

sudo yum install certbot -y

4 - Start minikube

Start minikube with 8Go of ram

minikube start --memory=8192 --cpus=4 --kubernetes-version=v1.13.0 --vm-driver=none

5 - Apicentral Mesh governance prerequisites

  • Go on apicentral

  • In the tab services Create an environment, use the host of the ec2 instance and port 443, usage should be publicly accessible.
    create env

  • Download the zip containing the overrides.

  • transfer this zip in the /tmp folder of your ec2 instance using SCP In the following script change YOURHOST by your no ip host value.

scp -i asayah.pem ******  ec2-user@YOURHOST:/tmp
  • SSH again in your ec2 instance In the following script change YOURHOST by your no ip host value.
ssh -i yourkey.pem ec2-user@YOURHOST

⚠️ Run all the remaining commands in this tutorial using the root user

 sudo -i 
  • Generate a certifcate for istio gateway. Istio uses certificate to secure it gateway, as a prerequisite we have to create a kubernetes secret containing the certifcate. ⚠️ first locate the name of the secret that you will have to use, by doing
cat istioOverride.yaml | grep secretName

In the following command, replace the YOURHOST by your host, and PUT_YOUR_SECRET_NAME by the secret name

certbot certonly --standalone -d YOURHOST
kubectl create ns istio-system
kubectl create -n istio-system secret tls PUT_YOUR_SECRET_NAME --cert /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOURHOST/fullchain.pem --key /etc/letsencrypt/live/YOURHOST/privkey.pem -o yaml

Now lets create a namespace (apic-control) that will be used by APIC Agents, (Service Discovery Agent, Config Sync Agent)

kubectl create namespace apic-control

Create RSA keys for the API Central agents authentication

mkdir -p /tmp/sda
mkdir -p /tmp/csa
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out /tmp/sda/private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
openssl rsa -pubout -in /tmp/sda/private_key.pem -out /tmp/sda/public_key.der -outform der && base64 /tmp/sda/public_key.der > /tmp/sda/public_key
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out /tmp/csa/private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
openssl rsa -pubout -in /tmp/csa/private_key.pem -out /tmp/csa/public_key.der -outform der && base64 /tmp/csa/public_key.der > /tmp/csa/public_key

Now lets create kubernetes secrets to store them

 kubectl create --namespace apic-control secret generic csa-secrets --from-file=publicKey=/tmp/csa/public_key --from-file=privateKey=/tmp/csa/private_key.pem --from-literal=password="" -o yaml
 kubectl create --namespace apic-control secret generic sda-secrets --from-file=publicKey=/tmp/sda/public_key --from-file=privateKey=/tmp/sda/private_key.pem --from-literal=password="" -o yaml

We can proceed now to the installation of Istio and the Agents.

II APIC Mesh governance installation

Lets extract the API Central overide files

mv /tmp/****** ./  # replace ****** by the file you downloaded form API Central
unzip /******

To add Axway helm chart repo run this command:

helm repo add axway

Now we can install Istio:

helm upgrade --install --namespace istio-system istio axway/istio -f istioOverride.yaml

Its time to install APIC mesh agents

helm upgrade --install --namespace apic-control apic-hybrid axway/apicentral-hybrid -f hybridOverride.yaml  --set observer.enabled=true --set observer.filebeat.sslVerification=none

Normally we would use nodeport if we want to use Minikube, instead of modifing the installation lets just map the gateway internal port to 443 so we can acess it.

kubectl get svc -n istio-system
apic-e4f77cf86a5b8349016a990e8f821b14-gateway   LoadBalancer   <pending>     443:30099/TCP                           23h

Identify the gateway port, in my case 30099, and foward it. run the cmd screen to keep the forwarding process alive

socat TCP-LISTEN:443,fork TCP: # replace 30099 by your gateway port

Press Ctrl-A then Ctrl-D. This will detach your screen session but leave your processes running. You can now log out of the remote box.

Congrats your installed APIC Mesh Governance on a minikube on AWS, no you can go back on API Central, on the environment page, your services should be discoverded.