Demo App for ActiveLook glasses

What is the purpose of this app ?

This app allows you to scan, connect and tests differents commands on your glasses.

How to compile the app ?

Android : Create a .env file at the root of the demo-app project folder. This file should contain the two lines below.

ACTIVELOOK_CFG_PASSWORD = <0xDEADBEEF> //The ActiveLook config password, if needed

Open the "android" folder with android studio. Connect a phone an launch the app

iOS : Create a file Config.xcconfig in the ios folder with the informations below (don't put " " for iOS token)

ACTIVELOOK_CFG_PASSWORD = <0xDEADBEEF> //The ActiveLook config password, if needed

Open the "ios" folder with Xcode. Connect a ios phone an launch the app

SDK Token

This field needs to be left blank by default.

The SDK Token is only useful for (and provided to) eyewear partners developing their own ActiveLook application. It allows the partner application to be authenticated by the ActiveLook update server and to update Firwmware and / or system configuration (Alook) onto any ActiveLook-powered eyewear.

Leaving the field blank will allow app compilation without requiring an access to the update server.