
πŸš€ A very efficient Texas Holdem solver :spades::hearts::clubs::diamonds:

Primary LanguageC++GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

CPP Texas Solver

release license Open In Colab

README English | δΈ­ζ–‡


A open sourced, extremely efficient Texas Hold'em and short deck solver. See this Introduction video for more.


  • In a tree with 1~2bets + allin, it's speed exceeds piosolver on flop
  • Support Mac, Linux and Windows
  • Support texas holdem and shortdeck
  • Support cross language calls
  • Result aliged with piosolver
  • Support dump strategy to json file
  • It's the c++ version of TexasHoldemSolverJava with a ton of optimization, it's 5x faster than the jave version and takes less than 1/3 memory.

Feel free to mess with a toy solver in google colab

Speed benchmark with piosolver

Piosolver and my TexasSolver run use the same settings (spr=10,flop game) and their result are aligned.

Input config log thread number memory usage accuracy converge time
piosolver 1.0 config_piosolver log_piosolver 6 492Mb 0.29% 242s
TexasSolver 0.1.0 (Our solver) config_texassolver log_texassolver 6 1600Mb 0.275% 172s

The compare image of their results is here. As you can see their result are very close.


Download the release package, unzip it, you will get a folder look like this:

--- Solver
 |- resources
 |- console_solver.exe

If you download MacOs version, console_solver.exe should be replaced by a console_solver executable file.

Put the folder wherever you like, and the installation is done! It's that simple.

If you are using Linux system or the release didn't work on your computer, you should Compile the release package first.


command line solver

You can easily call the solver using command line tools from Windows(cmd), Linux(bash), and mac(terminal).

For example, if you are using Windows, enter windows cmd terminal (press windows button, input cmd, press enter), go to the install directory, and you can run an example by a simple command:

console_solver.exe -i resources/text/commandline_sample_input.txt 

And MacOs and Linux users should use this command:

./console_solver -i resources/text/commandline_sample_input.txt 


You will see something like the following log:

[##################################################] 100%
Using 8 threads
Iter: 0
player 0 exploitability 43.637302
player 1 exploitability 27.916748
Total exploitability 71.55405 precent
Iter: 11
player 0 exploitability 15.374577
player 1 exploitability 2.400461
Total exploitability 17.775038 precent
time used: 6.871

and after the solving process is done, a output_result.json file should be generated. It contains the optimal strategy that was calculated.

The input file, above mentioned resources/text/commandline_sample_input.txt contains parameters controls the tree building and solving process. A typical such file look like this:

set_pot 50
set_effective_stack 200
set_board Qs,Jh,2h
set_range_ip AA,KK,QQ,JJ,TT,99:0.75,88:0.75,77:0.5,66:0.25,55:0.25,AK,AQs,AQo:0.75,AJs,AJo:0.5,ATs:0.75,A6s:0.25,A5s:0.75,A4s:0.75,A3s:0.5,A2s:0.5,KQs,KQo:0.5,KJs,KTs:0.75,K5s:0.25,K4s:0.25,QJs:0.75,QTs:0.75,Q9s:0.5,JTs:0.75,J9s:0.75,J8s:0.75,T9s:0.75,T8s:0.75,T7s:0.75,98s:0.75,97s:0.75,96s:0.5,87s:0.75,86s:0.5,85s:0.5,76s:0.75,75s:0.5,65s:0.75,64s:0.5,54s:0.75,53s:0.5,43s:0.5
set_range_oop QQ:0.5,JJ:0.75,TT,99,88,77,66,55,44,33,22,AKo:0.25,AQs,AQo:0.75,AJs,AJo:0.75,ATs,ATo:0.75,A9s,A8s,A7s,A6s,A5s,A4s,A3s,A2s,KQ,KJ,KTs,KTo:0.5,K9s,K8s,K7s,K6s,K5s,K4s:0.5,K3s:0.5,K2s:0.5,QJ,QTs,Q9s,Q8s,Q7s,JTs,JTo:0.5,J9s,J8s,T9s,T8s,T7s,98s,97s,96s,87s,86s,76s,75s,65s,64s,54s,53s,43s
set_bet_sizes oop,flop,bet,50
set_bet_sizes oop,flop,raise,60
set_bet_sizes oop,flop,allin
set_bet_sizes ip,flop,bet,50
set_bet_sizes ip,flop,raise,60
set_bet_sizes ip,flop,allin
set_bet_sizes oop,turn,bet,50
set_bet_sizes oop,turn,raise,60
set_bet_sizes oop,turn,allin
set_bet_sizes ip,turn,bet,50
set_bet_sizes ip,turn,raise,60
set_bet_sizes ip,turn,allin
set_bet_sizes oop,river,bet,50
set_bet_sizes oop,river,donk,50
set_bet_sizes oop,river,raise,60,100
set_bet_sizes oop,river,allin
set_bet_sizes ip,river,bet,50
set_bet_sizes ip,river,raise,60,100
set_bet_sizes ip,river,allin
set_allin_threshold 0.67
set_thread_num 8
set_accuracy 0.5
set_max_iteration 200
set_print_interval 10
set_use_isomorphism 1
set_dump_rounds 2
dump_result output_result.json

Modify the file to control the game tree details and parallelism, etc. By default the input file contains a flop situation where game tree is constructed using 1bet/raise+allin in flop and turn, using 2bet/raise+allin in river.

Reading the Solver's output strategy

Please refer to This section in java version. C++ version and java version's output file are exactly the same.


It's very simple, just open firefox and drag the result json file in.

Compile from source

Normally compile from source is not required during install. However if you intend to modify this project, recompiling is required. This project is a cmake project. Install Cmake>=3.15 and following the following instructions.

If you really want to compile from scratch, you can also reference the following google colab: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1NWDb53ypcKpkb3g3orzEBDeHAEkAIC7y


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
cd ../install
./console_solver -i resources/text/commandline_sample_input.txt


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
cd ../install
./console_solver -i resources/text/commandline_sample_input.txt


build with visual studio 2019

mkdir vsbuild
cd vsbuild
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
cmake .. -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
nmake install
cd ../install
./console_solver.exe -i resources/text/commandline_sample_input.txt

After compile the release package can be found in the install folder in project root



