
Various options for deploying h2o.ai models to production (scoring new data)

Primary LanguageJava

Scoring machine learning models with h2o.ai

Various options for deploying h2o.ai models (GBM) to production

Warning: This is not production-level code, just prototyping various directions for now.

Update: h2o.ai has released recently Steam, a new product that makes it easy to deploy h2o models as REST APIs. It is the prefered method to deploy models for real-time scoring and it makes the other methods (and this github repo) obsolete. See more details here.

1. Java code

Export Java code (POJO) and use that for scoring (from Java).

Problem: Cannot compile the code (for GBM) due to bug. The bug is related to max number of constants in Java. For this dataset the problem disappears when the depth of the trees are decreased. According to @daroczig there is some workaround by wrapping the generated code in anonymous classes. H2O promised to fix the bug. For GBM with smaller depth of trees the POJO scoring is very fast ~1ms.

Scoring takes <1ms a few ms with 100 trees, max_depth = 10.

2. From R

Scoring from R (the R package too uses actually the REST API)

Timings (not rigourous):

  nrows run_all qps_all run_h2o qps_h2o run_upl
1  1e+00   0.322       3   0.084      12   0.253
2  3e+00   0.321       9   0.085      35   0.282
3  1e+01   0.361      28   0.080     125   0.243
4  3e+01   0.326      92   0.082     366   0.240
5  1e+02   0.365     274   0.082    1220   0.291
6  3e+02   1.348     223   1.102     272   0.291
7  1e+03   1.412     708   1.101     908   0.262
8  3e+03   1.444    2078   1.097    2735   0.326
9  1e+04   1.476    6775   1.099    9099   0.369
10 3e+04   2.696   11128   2.119   14158   0.527
11 1e+05   7.326   13650   5.180   19305   1.171
12 3e+05  10.189   29444   6.199   48395   1.959
13 1e+06  19.926   50186   8.279  120788   5.055
14 3e+06  36.690   81766  24.809  120924  14.904
15 1e+07 120.168   83217  72.524  137885  53.917

(run_all is end-to-end run time with data in R that h2o automatically imports into its system and scores, run_upl is the upload/import time, while run_h2o is the scoring part (but driven from R) - strangely the times do not add up)

Uploads run mostly single core (except the h2o parsing at the very end). The scoring runs single core on smaller sizes, uses 4 cores for n=300,000 and all cores (16) for n>=1M.

Logging the REST calls for n=1 the timing breakdown (millisec):

11      POST      /3/PostFile?destination_frame=%2Ftmp%2FRtmpTkbyXR%2Ffile478955b01496.csv_sid_8c96_16
10      GET       /3/Cloud?skip_ticks=true
11      POST      /3/ParseSetup
9       GET       /3/Cloud?skip_ticks=true
19      POST      /3/Parse
10      GET       /3/Jobs/$03017f00000132d4ffffffff$_a6fd865986e9f70b3cce10d5a31b471f
7       GET       /3/Cloud?skip_ticks=true
10      GET       /3/Frames/dR_test?row_count=10
7       GET       /3/Cloud?skip_ticks=true
10      POST      /4/Predictions/models/test_airline_GBM_100k/frames/dR_test
9       GET       /3/Jobs/$03017f00000132d4ffffffff$_bed784af62482730622ad442027d47a0
9       GET       /3/Cloud?skip_ticks=true
15      GET       /3/Frames/predictions_98db_test_airline_GBM_100k_on_dR_test?row_count=10

(Code, logs, analysis)

Total time ~290 ms. The above REST calls add up to ~140 ms (the difference I assume is overhead of the R packages such as logic, JSON parsing of responses etc.)

The first 9 calls are about getting the input data into h2o. The next 3 is an upper bound of how long the actual scoring takes (<30 ms: /4/Predictions..., /3/Jobs/..., /3/Cloud...) and the last call is grabing the data from h2o back into R.

3. h2o REST API

Same as above but driven from some other environment, constructing the REST calls from there. For real-time scoring (1 item at a time) a lot of the above overhead can be cut. In order of magnitudes probably total time can go down from ~300ms to ~100 ms maybe even ~50ms (if there is a better way to get data into h2o than via CSV).

It would be interesting to compare that with the POJO (in case the above bug is fixed/worked around). My guess is that for 1 item at a time scoring the POJO will be magnitudes faster (hopefully), while for large bulk scoring maybe of same magnitude. Update: For GBM with smaller depth for which POJO works, the scoring is super fast indeed ~1ms. So it seems that wrapping the POJO into a separate scoring system/server/API would be a better option (see e.g. here).

Scoring with the POJO is way faster for 1 event (see 1. above).

4. Steam

Steam is a new product from h2o.ai that makes it easy to deploy h2o models as REST APIs. It is the prefered method to deploy models for real-time scoring and it makes the previous methods (and this github repo) obsolete.

Scoring takes <1ms a few ms with 100 trees, max_depth = 10. Some quick notes on how to set up and how fast it is are here.