This a notebook, to capture and analyse the data from pokemon database, with some features to predict some future datas.
Getting Started <#getting-started>
__ -
Installing <#installing>
__From source <#from-source>
__From tarballs <#from-tarballs>
__From VCS <#from-vcs>
Documentation <#documentation>
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Built With <#built-with>
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Versioning <#versioning>
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Authors <#authors>
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License <#license>
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
From source
Use Git to get the latest development version from our gitlab
.. code:: bash
git clone
You'll need a Git client. The command line program is fine, but if you
prefer graphical interface, you can install e.g. git-gui on Linux.
Using Python
We use Git<>
__ for versioning. For the
versions available, see the tags on this repository <>
- Lucas Henrique Silva Gomes -
This is free and unencumbered public domain software. For more
information, see or the accompanying
__ file.