ERP System APIs


The following repository contains the source code for the ERP APIs. Here you can find the code and the guided tool to execute or clone in your local environment.

Technology Environment

* Java 19
* SpringBoot
* Docker
* ViaCEP


Run the following steps to execute the code in your local environment:

For Maven Native

1. Clone the repository on your local machine
2. mvn clean install
3. mvn spring-boot:run

For Docker (or engines like Podman)

1. Clone the repository on your local machine
2. mvn clean install
3. docker build -t spring-boot-docker:spring-docker .
4. docker image ls
5. docker run -p 8080:8080 spring-boot-docker:spring-docker .

For the database, you can use a Docker to generate one for you, please see the guides:


For testing this API, you can use the API Model.postman_collection.json file, on the root of this project