The following repository contains the source code for the ERP APIs. Here you can find the code and the guided tool to execute or clone in your local environment.
* Java 19
* SpringBoot
* Docker
* ViaCEP
Run the following steps to execute the code in your local environment:
1. Clone the repository on your local machine
2. mvn clean install
3. mvn spring-boot:run
1. Clone the repository on your local machine
2. mvn clean install
3. docker build -t spring-boot-docker:spring-docker .
4. docker image ls
5. docker run -p 8080:8080 spring-boot-docker:spring-docker .
For the database, you can use a Docker to generate one for you, please see the guides:
For testing this API, you can use the API Model.postman_collection.json file, on the root of this project