Protinfo-cluster can be compiled with the following flags *simd flags -default is that scalar only options are enabled * SSE2=1 enables SSE2 support for older CPUs (Pentium IV, AMD K8) SSE3=1 enables SSE3 (and SSE2) support for most x86 CPUS (Pentium IV Prescott, AMD Opterons) AVX=1 enables AVX (and SSE3/SSE2) support for recent CPUS (SandyBridge/IvyBridge, Bulldozer/Piledriver) *compatibility flags - default is 64 bit with multithreaded options enabled using OpenMP* 32BIT=1 compiles 32 bit binary - default is 64 bit SINGLE_THREADED=1 this flag is needed when OpenMP libraries are not installed or older gcc (before gcc 4.2) *GPU flags* GPU=1 AMD=1 flags to compile GPU code - optimizations and library locations for AMD cards GPU=1 NVIDIA=1 flags to compile GPU code - optimizations and library locations for NVIDIA cards *misc* FAST_DIVISION=1 use the rcp function for SSE/AVX implementation of TMScore - slightly faster with small loss of accuracy in rare cases DEBUG=1 Debug mode To compile; make clean make <options> (eg. make SSE3=1 FAST_DIVISION=1 GPU=1 AMD=1) For list of option flags Protinfo_cluster --help These are also listed in OPTIONS.txt For GPUs OpenCL must be installed and the path of the OpenCL library pointed to in the Makefile AMD GPUs require installation of Catalyst drivers NVIDIA requires installation of CUDA 4 and NVIDIA drivers See separate README files for GPU A set of test scripts have been included in the test directory which includes a set of candidate structures from the Zhang test set and TMScores and RMSDs of those structures compared to the experimental structure. Output files: History file for hierarchical clustering is a paired list of the clusters joined History file for pruning is a list of the structures eliminated and the round. Cluster file lists the structure name, cluster number that it is a member of the average distance to the members of each cluster Hong Hung 8-18
GPU and SIMD accelerated RMSD and TMScore based clustering of protein models