
vue3 virtual waterfall component(Vue3虚拟瀑布流组件)

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


A Vue 3 virtual waterfall component





pnpm add @lhlyu/vue-virtual-waterfall

  • Local import
import { VirtualWaterfall } from '@lhlyu/vue-virtual-waterfall'
  • Global import
import VueVirtualWaterfall from '@lhlyu/vue-virtual-waterfall'

  • Usage
    <VirtualWaterfall :items="items" :calcItemHeight="calcItemHeight">
        <template #default="{ item }: { item: ItemOption }">
            <div class="card">
                <img :src="item.img" />
  • Nuxt3 Usage



The VirtualWaterfall component wants to implement a virtual list, and the container that wraps it must indicate a fixed height. The scrolling event can be bound to this container. If this component is hung under the body, the height of the body also needs to be specified. The scrolling event can be bound to the window


  • Properties
Field Type Default Description
virtual boolean true Enable virtual list
rowKey string 'id' Key for v-for
gap number 15 Gap between each item
padding number or string 15 or '15px 15px' Container's padding
preloadScreenCount [number, number] [0, 0] Preload screen count [above, below]
itemMinWidth number 220 Minimum width for each item
maxColumnCount number 10 Maximum number of columns
minColumnCount number 2 Minimum number of columns
items any[] [] Data
calcItemHeight (item: any, itemWidth: number) => number (item: any, itemWidth: number) => 250 Method to calculate item height
  • Slots
Event Type Description
default { item: any, index: number } Custom default content