
Manage your CouchDB replication with single document.

This tool can be used to build CouchDB cluster. Replication in your cluster is
described by 'rep-schema' documents stored in CouchDB database
'replication-manager'. Database 'replication-manager' is replicated to all
nodes and couchdb-replication-manager.pl is running on every node of this
cluster. couchdb-replication-manager.pl read document with ID
<ID-of-your-rep-schema-document> from CouchDB and manages jobs related to local

Create configuration file '/etc/couchdb/couchdb-replication-manager.ini' with the following content:

	server = localhost
	database = replication-manager
	username = your-couchdb-admin
	password = your-couchdn-password

	schema = my-CouchDB-replication

You should start this tool from init by adding the following line into your /etc/initttab:

	# CouchDB replication manager:
	cm:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/sudo -u couchdb /etc/couchdb/replication-manager/couchdb-replication-manager-wrapper.sh

Enjoy and relax! :)