
Software for NodeMCU board to run mqtt robot

Primary LanguagePython

μPython code for small robot


Copy config.py.example to config.py, then (re-)flash the robot (see below).

Flashing setup

In a Python 3 virtual env, do:

$ python -m pip install esptool adafruit-ampy requests click

On Ubuntu install:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-requests python3-click
pip3 install esptool adafruit-ampy ampy

Then, run python flash-me.py mqtt to flash the robot.

This uploads both firmware and Python modules. If the firmware is successfully flashed, then on subsequent flash-me.py you can pass -X to only update the Python modules.

Diagnostics (MQTT)

  • robot moves both wheels after successfull connection to WiFi

  • otherwise open terminal and connect to the board

hardware needed

  • NodeMCU board with ESP8266

  • DOIT Motor shield for NodeMCU (guide)

  • Two DC motors with wheels

  • lunch box

HOW TO: connect to terminal

  • Open terminal (Putty, Picocom, Minicom or whatever). speed: 115200
minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0
  • Press Ctrl+C to stop running Python code. Prompt >>> should appear.


Web joystick for MQTT is available at https://github.com/VerosK/mqtt-robot-webdriver/