
My scripts for managit git repositories e.g. pull all repositories from server I have access to)

Primary LanguagePerl


git gone

Remove stale local branches with where removed on remote server


git clone github.com/lhost/scripts-git
cd ~/bin && ln -s $dir/scripts-git/git-gone

'git some-usefull-command' will execute 'git-some-usefull-command' found in your $PATH

cd ~/your/git/repository
git gone
From github.com/lhost/scripts-git
 - [deleted]         (none)     -> origin/old-branch-1
 - [deleted]         (none)     -> origin/some_feature_branch


Simple Perl script to pull all repositories from your Gitlab server.

mkdir -p ~/work/company/git && cd ~/work/company/git
echo ssh://gitlab.company.com > REPO


Simple Perl script to pull all repositories from your server. Usefull if your git server is powered by gitolite

mkdir -p ~/work/company/git && cd ~/work/company/git
echo git.company.com > REPO


The same as gitolite-pull-all-repositories.pl but do fetch instead of pull - fetch all repositories


Gitolite has a great mirroring function. Sometimes you need to mirror all repositories to your slave/backup server.


Simple Perl script to fetch all repositories of specified user from github.com

Clone repositories using HTTPS:

mkdir -p ~/github/lhost && cd ~/github/lhost
echo github.com/lhost > REPO

Clone repositories using SSH (clone your own github repos) - use colon ':' instead of slash '/' as seperator between hostname and username:

mkdir -p ~/github/lhost && cd ~/github/lhost
echo github.com:lhost > REPO


Simple script to pull all already-cloned repositores in current directory. Search for all .git subdirectories up to level 4.


Search for git repositories in specified directories and export this information as JSON:

./github.com-lhost/scripts-git/git-status.pl ./github.com-lhost/scripts-git
   "./github.com-lhost/scripts-git" : {
      "." : {
         "branch" : "master",
         "branches" : {
            "master" : {
               "default" : 1,
               "desc" : "Do fetch insteead of pull",
               "sha1" : "7bcb147ffdc19e4cb8e2218880554eabdc1f555a"
            "remotes/origin/HEAD" : {
               "default" : 0,
               "desc" : "origin/master",
               "sha1" : "->"
            "remotes/origin/master" : {
               "default" : 0,
               "desc" : "Do fetch insteead of pull",
               "sha1" : "7bcb147ffdc19e4cb8e2218880554eabdc1f555a"
         "remotes" : {
            "origin" : "https://github.com/lhost/scripts-git.git"
         "rev" : "7bcb147ffdc19e4cb8e2218880554eabdc1f555a"


Simle installation script


use bootstrap.sh script to create symlinks in your $HOME/bin directory

cd ~/git
git clone https://github.com/lhost/scripts-git
cd scripts-git

Installation with shell oneliner

curl -o - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lhost/scripts-git/master/bootstrap.sh | sh