
Bootstrap easy modals

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Class: BModal


Initializes a new instance of the BModal class.

  • Parameters:
    • config (Object): A configuration object to customize the modal.

Configuration Object

The configuration object supports the following properties:

  • Definition:

    • size (String): Size of the modal. Available values are:
      • MODAL_SIZE.default
      • MODAL_SIZE.small
      • MODAL_SIZE.large
      • MODAL_SIZE.xlarge
    • color (String): Color scheme of the modal. Available values are:
      • MODAL_COLOR.primary
      • MODAL_COLOR.secondary
      • MODAL_COLOR.success
      • MODAL_COLOR.info
      • MODAL_COLOR.warning
      • MODAL_COLOR.danger
      • MODAL_COLOR.light
      • MODAL_COLOR.dark
    • title (String): Title text of the modal.
    • content (String): HTML content for the modal body.
  • Behavior:

    • closeButton (Boolean): Show or hide the close button (default: true).
    • closeClick (Boolean): Close the modal on backdrop click (default: false).
    • closeEscape (Boolean): Close the modal on escape key press (default: false).
  • Display:

    • displayHeader (Boolean): Show or hide the modal header (default: true).
    • displayContent (Boolean): Show or hide the modal content (default: true).
    • displayFooter (Boolean): Show or hide the modal footer (default: true).
  • Actions:

    • actions (Array): Array of action configurations (e.g., buttons).
  • Events:

    • onOpening (Function): Callback when the modal is about to open.
    • onOpened (Function): Callback when the modal has opened.
    • onClosing (Function): Callback when the modal is about to close.
    • onClosed (Function): Callback when the modal has closed.



Closes the modal.

  • Returns: void

Event Hooks

The configuration object includes hooks for modal events:

  • onOpening: Triggered before the modal opens.
  • onOpened: Triggered after the modal opens.
  • onClosing: Triggered before the modal closes.
  • onClosed: Triggered after the modal closes.


Use the following constants for configuration:


export const MODAL_SIZE = {
    "default": "",
    "small": "modal-sm",
    "large": "modal-lg",
    "xlarge": "modal-xl",


export const MODAL_COLOR = {
    "primary": "text-bg-primary",
    "secondary": "text-bg-secondary",
    "success": "text-bg-success",
    "info": "text-bg-info",
    "warning": "text-bg-warning",
    "danger": "text-bg-danger",
    "light": "text-bg-light",
    "dark": "text-bg-dark"


export const ACTION_COLOR = {
    "primary": "btn-primary",
    "secondary": "btn-secondary",
    "success": "btn-success",
    "info": "btn-info",
    "warning": "btn-warning",
    "danger": "btn-danger",
    "light": "btn-light",
    "dark": "btn-dark"

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