
Ping minecraft servers and store playercounts in prometheus

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Ping your mincraft servers and save playercounts in prometheus


$ go version # installed golang
go version go1.13.4 darwin/amd64
$ go get github.com/lhridder/mcping # install
$ cd mcping
$ go build .

config example

  "delay": 60,
  "debug": true,
  "promListen": ":5000",
  "targets": [

mcping will lookup SRV record like minecraft clients do.


Prometheus configuration:

Example prometheus.yml configuration:

  - job_name: mcping
    - targets: ['']


  • mcping_playercount: Number of connected players:
    • Example response: mcping_playercount{host="play.example.net", instance="localhost:5000", job="mcping"} 22
    • host: domain that was pinged.
    • instance: what mcping instance supplied this information.
    • job: what job was specified in the prometheus configuration.
  • mcping_pingdelay: Delay when dialing server:
    • Example response: mcping_pingdelay{host="play.example.net", instance="localhost:5000", job="mcping"} 2.6849949e+07
    • host: domain that was pinged.
    • instance: what mcping instance supplied this information.
    • job: what job was specified in the prometheus configuration.