
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Dockerizing Django with Postgres, Gunicorn, and Nginx

Want to learn how to build this?

Check out the post.

Want to use this project?


Uses the default Django development server.

  1. Rename .env.dev-sample to .env.dev.

  2. Update the environment variables in the docker-compose.yml and .env.dev files.

  3. Build the images and run the containers:

    $ docker-compose up -d --build

    Test it out at http://localhost:8000. The "app" folder is mounted into the container and your code changes apply automatically.


This Compose file contains the following environment variables:

  • .env.dev-remote

Access to PgAdmin:

  • URL: http://localhost:5050
  • Username: pgadmin4@pgadmin.org (as a default)
  • Password: admin (as a default)

Add a new server in PgAdmin:

  • Host name/address db.cugjcyymaqbyyjikpixb.supabase.co
  • Port 5432
  • Username as POSTGRES_USER, by default: postgres
  • Password as POSTGRES_PASSWORD, by default vanhuylamtrongtuan
  • database as POSTGRES_DB, by default tinder-db-dev


There are no easy way to configure pgadmin log verbosity and it can be overwhelming at times. It is possible to disable pgadmin logging on the container level.

Add the following to pgadmin service in the docker-compose.yml:

  driver: "none"


Uses gunicorn + nginx.

  1. Rename .env.prod-sample to .env.prod and .env.prod.db-sample to .env.prod.db. Update the environment variables.

  2. Build the images and run the containers:

    $ docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d --build

    Test it out at http://localhost:1337. No mounted folders. To apply changes, the image must be re-built.