
Angular.js Radial Gauge

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Angular.js Radial Gauge

alt tag

This radial gauge builded using D3.js JavaScript library is designed for Angular.js framework.

List of directive attributes:

majorGraduations: Quantity of major graduation distributed on the gauge

minorGraduations: Quantity of minor graduation between each major graduation

majorGraduationColor: Color used to draw major graduation lines

minorGraduationColor: Color used to draw minor graduation lines

majorGraduationTextColor: Color used to draw text beside major graduation lines

needleColor: Color used to draw needle pointing actual value

width: Width of the gauge

majorGraduationTextSize: Numeric value used to override auto-sized graduation text

needleValueTextSize: Numeric value used to override auto-sized value text

If no value are provided by the controller the needle won't be display.

If the value provided by the controller is outside the limits defined, the needle won't be display but the value will be display.

Html view sample code usage:

<body ng-app="myApp">
    <div ng-controller="RadialGaugeCtrl">
        <div width="300" ng-radial-gauge ranges="ranges" value="value" value-unit="unit" 
        precision="precision" lower-limit="lowerLimit" upper-limit="upperLimit"></div>

Controller sample code usage:

app.controller('RadialGaugeCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
    $scope.value = 1.5;
    $scope.upperLimit = 6;
    $scope.lowerLimit = 0;
    $scope.unit = "kW";
    $scope.precision = 2;
    $scope.ranges = [
            min: 0,
            max: 1.5,
            color: '#DEDEDE'
            min: 1.5,
            max: 2.5,
            color: '#8DCA2F'
            min: 2.5,
            max: 3.5,
            color: '#FDC702'
            min: 3.5,
            max: 4.5,
            color: '#FF7700'
            min: 4.5,
            max: 6.0,
            color: '#C50200'

If you would like to help me to improve this control, notify me about any bug or just ask a for a new feature request feel free to contact me at stherrienaspnet@gmail.com.