Scripts for managing HPC based on lustre and SGE (ROCKS7)

Primary LanguageShell

Scripts for managing Cluster based on lustre and SGE (ROCKS7)

User Management Scripts

This is an interactive automatic scripts for creating users, it will do the following:

  1. Creating user using useradd
  2. Set a random password for this user
  3. Set local quota (Default 1Gb, can be modified in header)
  4. Synchronize /etc/group and /etc/passwd across executing hosts and storage hosts
  5. Set lfs quota (Default 5Tb, can be modified in header)
  6. Change the permission for user home directory on shared filesystem (/lustre/home in our case. Default home is controlled by HOME variable in /etc/default/useradd).
  7. Print user and password as well as a composed message ready for email use.
bash add_user.sh

Lustre Management Scripts

In our case, cn01 cn02 cn03 cn04 fat01 is executing nodes. Node( is MGT. Node( and Node( are OST nodes. Shutdown sequences is first MGT then OST. And power-on sequence is also first MGT then OST. wiki

The job manager we used is SGE which is bundled with ROCKS7.

Main space of local storage are allocated to /state/partition1 on each node.

HPC Power-off

Step 1. Disable all queues in SGE and requeue all running jobs

bash shutdown_clustre/1.shutdown_sge.sh

Step 2. Shutdown clustre

umount lustre filesystem from all nodes.


Step 3. Shutdown Linux machine

ssh to each node and execute shutdown command.

When shutdown Storage nodes, shutdown mgt first, then OST.


Step 4. shutdown login node

Before shutdown login node, make sure lustre and rest nodes is off-line.

shutdown now

HPC Power-on

Step 1. Power on MGT and OST

Press the power button of MGT (first) and OST nodes. Then the rest nodes.

Step 2. Remount lustre FS and enabling SGE queues

Normally /mgt and /ost will be automounted. If there is a failure, you need to login to those nodes and mount manually.

The belowing scripts will remount lustre file system and enabling all SGE queues.

bash start_lustre.sh


Disable ip v6 on all hosts

bash disable_ipv6.sh

Monitor memory and send warning to all users aboard

This script calls monitor.pl every minutes. If memory exceeds 90% of total memory, it will send a warning to all users with wall command. Therefore, you need to have root or sudoer privilege to run this script. I tried to use cron but failed due to SGE environmental variable dependency.

nohup bash monitor.sh &

mkdir a tmp folder for each node


fstab for cn04

Some software like mysql used file lock which is not supported by lustre by default. Therefore, I used localflock when mounting lustre filesystem.

Default space for /tmp and /var is very low. So I mount two directory from local space to those two system directories.

$cat /etc/fstab                   /lustre                 lustre  defaults,_netdev,localflock        0 0
/state/partition1/tmp                     /tmp                    none    defaults,bind   0 0
/state/partition1/var                     /var                    none    defaults,bind   0 0

## or directly use mount command
mount --bind /state/partition1/tmp /tmp