
legacy software I found in some old repositories. Working status is unknown

Primary LanguagePHP

Developer		- Lennart Weller (cyfreeze)
Developer		- Sebastian Reichel (elektranox)
Graphic Designer - ${Graphic_Designer}

	phpbg - PHP Browsergame is a browsergame engine.
	Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Sebastian Reichel
	Copyright (C) 2008 Lennart Weller
	Copyright (C) 2008 ${Graphic_Designer}

	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

[new in this version]
	* object based
	* using XML for some half-static data (buildings,units,...)
	* variable ressources
	* filesystem hierarchy changed (much better IMHO)
	* using plugins for almost a lot of features
	* changed license from GPLv2 to GPLv3
	* new devolper: Lennart Weller (cyfreeze)
	* new graphic designer - ${Graphic_Designer}
	* needs at least PHP 5.2

[object based]
phpBG will now base on objects. The core objects will be found in the "system"
dir. The following things are supposed to be "core"-objects:
	* database
	* template
	* mailing
	* plugins
	* auth
	* instance

[plugin based]
phpBG will move a lot of features into plugins. For example the news section
will be a (default) plugin. If you don't like it you can just remove the plugin
and live without it. If you want more features - just search for a plugin. The
default plugins will be:

Plugin -> User -> Highscore
Plugin -> User -> Messages
Plugin -> User -> Clan
Plugin -> User -> Stats (was "My Land")
Plugin -> User -> Buildings

Plugin -> Admin -> News
Plugin -> Admin -> Clan
Plugin -> Admin -> Message
Plugin -> Admin -> Era
Plugin -> Admin -> User
Plugin -> Admin -> Language
Plugin -> Admin -> Building
Plugin -> Admin -> Design
Plugin -> Admin -> Game Info
Plugin -> Admin -> Plugins
Plugin -> Admin -> Ressources

Admin area will completly base on plugin to make it easier to 

These building types are standard and included in the phpbg instance class for buildings:
Instance -> Building -> House
Instance -> Building -> Warehouse
Instance -> Building -> Ressources
Instance -> Building -> Town Center
Instance -> Building -> Market Place
Instance -> Building -> Research
Instance -> Building -> War

If you want more buildings, which differs from these you will have to write a plugin for them. The plugin will extend Instance->Building.

[Admin Plugins]
Due to the change, that half-static data will be put into
data->xml->*.xml the admin plugins need write access to
this file. If they don't have write access they will give
you the chance to download the new file, so that you can
upload the new file yourself.

There will be 3 Designtemplates for each Design, now. One for the non-logged-in
part, one for the normal playing part and last but not least one for the admin
area. The new admin area is supposed to change the navigation completly.
Similar like this:

+------------------------------+		+-------------------------+
| back to Player View		   |		| News					  |
| Clan Configuration		   |		| Statistics			  |
| User Configuration		   |		| ...					  |
| ...						   |		| Admin Panel			  |
+------------------------------+		+-------------------------+

[Home Text]
The text displayed on the home-page (in non-logged in modus) will now be in a
*.txt file. This file will be home.en.txt home.de.txt - one for each language
the game is supposed to support.

[When can I attack an enemy?]
To prevent new players from being powned you wont be able to attack all players.
1. You will only be able to attack an enemy which is near the time you are in.
2. You will not be able to attack players which registered in 7 days ago (or less)

There is a second thing preventing you from powning really lame players - 
reputation. You will gain reputation points when you defend yourself against
an other player successfully or if you attack an player, which has more power
than you. But if you attack an player which has less points than you, your
reputation will decrease.

$_SESSION   - access (0 = not logged in,1 = normal user, 2 = vip, 3 = administrator)
			- LoggedIn (true or false)
			- username
			- lang (2 chars languagecode [e.g. de, en, fr])
			- player
				- era (1-x)
				- res
					- <ressource> - <amount>