
🚧 A toy project for dominating the world

Primary LanguageKotlin


A hard work of developer who haven't learned anything about parser/compiler.

Note that 'llang' is alias and I really couldn't come up with cool name.
Llang is my toy project and now work in progress. As a developer, one should have thought, 'I want to write programming language!' and that's it.

Also see book and syntax reference.

Useful Links:

code -> cst(with token) -> ast -> fir -> ir

  • code

    val a: Int = query("lhwdev", 10 + 9)
  • cst: target of code formatting. change of ast is applied here. This is merely a 'more structured token list'.

    Note that we merged 'tokenize' phase into 'Cst parsing phase'. Parsing tokens also requires some context (although less than cst), so I'm convinced that 'Why resolve same context two times? Just do everything at once.' As said earlier, cst is merely 'structured token list'. It's similar to the output of tokenizer, but more structured.

    // Note that all tokens including whitespace are actually saved in CstNodes, but they are
    // saved separately by CstParseContext.
        modifiers = emptyList(),
        kind = listOf(CstLeafNode(valToken)),
        type = listOf(CstLeafNode(colonToken)),
        initializer = CstInitializer(
            equals = CstLeafNode(equalsToken),
            expression = CstCall(
                function = CstGetValue(CstIdentifier(queryToken)),
                valueArguments = listOf(
                        open = CstLeafNode(parenOpenToken),
                        items = listOf(CstConstant.String("lhwdev"), commaToken, ...),
                        close = CstLeafNode(parenCloseToken),
    // alternative declaration(including whitespace):
        modifiers = emptyList(),
        kind = listOf(valToken, whitespace),
        type = listOf(colonToken, whitespace2),
        initializer = listOf(
            whitespace3, equalsToken, whitespace4,
                function = CstGetValue(CstIdentifier(queryToken)),
                valueArguments = listOf(
                        open = parenOpenToken,
                        content = listOf(CstConstant.String("lhwdev"), commaToken, ...),
                        close = parenCloseToken,
  • ast: target of code refactoring. directly linked to fir.

        isVar = false,
        modifier = listOf(),
        name = Identifier("a"), // (such a thing like this is stub)
        declaredType = AstTypeReference(AstClassifierReference("Int")),
        initializer = AstCall(
            function = AstGetValue(AstReference("query")),
            typeArguments = emptyList(),
            valueArguments = listOf(
                AstBinaryOps(AstBinaryOperator.Plus, AstConst.IntegerKind(10), AstConst.IntegerKind(9)),
  • fir: target of semantic analysis and diagnostics. ast -> fir is called 'semantic analysis'.

    Fir should be fully analyzed, but ast can be partially replaced with firs, which means if you need semantically partially-analyzed ast, just get ast and get fir where you really need it.

    FirLocalVariable( // ...,
        name = FirVariableSymbol("a", ...),
        type = FirType(FirClassifier(intSymbol), typeArguments = emptyList()),
        initializer = FirCall(
            function = FirGetValue(querySymbol),
            typeArguments = emptyList(),
            valueArguments = listOf(
                    function = FirGetValue(intPlusSymbol),
                    receiver = intSymbol,
                    typeArguments = emptyList(),
                    valueArguments = listOf(FirConst.Int(10), FirConst.Int(9)),
  • ir: target of backend compilation and optimization. will be converted into some kind of binary code, or something cool.

    IrLocalVariable( // ...,
        name = IrVariableSymbol("a", ...),
        type = IrType(IrClassifier(intSymbol), typeArguments = emptyList()),
        initializer = IrCall(
            function = IrGetValue(querySymbol),
            typeArguments = emptyList(),
            valueArguments = listOf(
                    function = IrGetValue(intPlusSymbol),
                    receiver = intSymbol,
                    typeArguments = emptyList(),
                    valueArguments = listOf(IrConst.Int(10), IrConst.Int(9)),
                    origin = IrCallOrigin.PlusOperator,

Basic Architecture


  • cst --> token as cst itself is full of token.
  • ast --> cst for reconstructing code from ast.
  • ast --(resolver)--> fir in diagnostics or intermediate frontend compiler plugin (lazy)
  • fir --> ast in code refactoring to apply code changes
  • ir --> fir for knowing declaration structure from IR
    Note that fir is used to declare structures of declaration, like Descriptor in Kotlin IR.
  • IrSymbol --> IrDeclarationStructure, but following IrDeclaration may be a stub, which does not have bodies. You can get bodies of any valid symbols in linking stage later.


  • Parsing: code string --(lexing)--> token --(parsing)--> cst --(semantic parsing) --> fir
  • IDE/Code Highlighting: ast -> annotations
  • IDE/Code Modification: edited code -> (incremental) token -> ... (same as parsing)
  • Code Refactoring: modify fir then apply to fir -> ast -> cst -> token
  • Diagnostics: inspect ast / fir
  • Diagnostics Fix: modify following ast / fir

Incremental Parsing

Oops, see book.md.