
Livox LiDAR bash shell scripts and examples

Primary LanguageShell

Livox Shortcut

File Tree

~/code                          All code backups  
    /Livox\ Viewer              Livox Viewer  
    /[Other Github SDK Repos]  
    /out                        Output files
~/catkin_ws                     Livox Mapping
~/ws_livox                      Livox ROS Driver
  • File Move
~\livox\github-livox-sdk\* -> livox\*
~\Desktop\out -> ~\livox\out

LiDAR Device List

3JEDHC900100491 Base Center
3JEDJ5Q00100431 Target1 Back
3JEDJ6400100191 Target2 Right
3JEDJ6400100241 Target3 Back Right
3JEDJ6400100291 Target4 Back Left
3JEDJ6400100591 Target5 Left

Record ROS Bag

  • Method 1
  1. Record lvx file
  2. ros-driver-lvx-to-rosbag
  • Method 2
  1. ros-drive-recieve-data
  2. Use ros-rqt.sh to record

Auto Calibration

  1. Record ros bag (refer "Record ROS Bag")
  2. ros-rosbag-to-pcd (use auto calibraton)
  3. auto-calibration.sh